
Class summary
Method summary
attachments report-item
description report
item report-item
item-class report-item
items report
message report-item
name report
print-object (object report-item) stream
print-object (object report) stream
report item report
Function summary
get-report-items report &key (item-class nil)
make-report &key name items description
make-report-item item &key item-class message attachments
report-item    [Class]
:item    [Initarg]
:item-class    [Initarg]
:message    [Initarg]
:attachments    [Initarg]
item    [Slot]

The item that is reported on.

item-class    [Slot]

The class of the report-item.

message    [Slot]

The message string for the report about the item.

attachments    [Slot]

Any comments and other attachments to the item.

attachments   report-item  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the attachments of the specified report-item

message   report-item  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the message of the specified report-item

item-class   report-item  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the item-class of the specified report-item

item   report-item  [Generic function]

Returns the item of the specified report-item

report    [Class]
:name    [Initarg]
:items    [Initarg]
:description    [Initarg]
name    [Slot]

The name of the report.

items    [Slot]

A list of report-items.

description    [Slot]

A description of what the report is about.

description   report  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the description of the specified report

items   report  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the items of the specified report

name   report  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the name of the specified report

report   item report  [Generic function]
print-object   (object report-item) stream  [Method]
print-object   (object report) stream  [Method]
make-report-item   item &key item-class message attachments  [Function]
make-report   &key name items description  [Function]
get-report-items   report &key (item-class nil)  [Function]