
Class summary
Method summary
add-cxn construction construction-inventory &key &allow-other-keys
blackboard construction-inventory
clear construction-inventory &key &allow-other-keys
configuration construction-inventory
constructions construction-inventory &key &allow-other-keys
copy-object-content (source construction-inventory) (destination construction-inventory)
delete-cxn construction construction-inventory &key test key
expansion-data construction-inventory
find-cxn construction construction-inventory &key test key &allow-other-keys
get-configuration (construction-inventory construction-inventory) key &key
initialize-instance (construction-inventory construction-inventory) &key &allow-other-keys
print-object (construction-inventory construction-inventory) stream
set-configuration (construction-inventory construction-inventory) key value &key (replace t)
(setf constructions) construction-list construction-inventory
size construction-inventory
Function summary
get-expansion-data-for-type construction-inventory &key type
set-expansion-data-for-type construction-inventory &key type data
construction-inventory    [Class]

A construction-inventory is an abstract class of which every organization of constructions should subclass.

:blackboard    [Initarg]
:configuration    [Initarg]
configuration    [Slot]

Determines the behavior of the construction inventory in processing

expansion-data    [Slot]

Data for constructions using the expansion operator ++.

expansion-data   construction-inventory  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the expansion-data of the specified construction-inventory

configuration   construction-inventory  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the configuration of the specified construction-inventory

blackboard   construction-inventory  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the data of the specified construction-inventory

constructions   construction-inventory &key &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]

Returns all constructions of an inventory as a list.

(setf constructions)   construction-list construction-inventory  [Generic function]

Sets the constructions of an inventory.

size   construction-inventory  [Generic function]

Returns the number of constructions stored in this inventory.

clear   construction-inventory &key &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]

Removes all constructions from an inventory

add-cxn   construction construction-inventory &key &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]

Adds a construction to a construction inventory

delete-cxn   construction construction-inventory &key test key  [Generic function]

Deletes a construction from a construction inventory (destructive). Returns the deleted construction (or nil when it could not be found in the inventory

find-cxn   construction construction-inventory &key test key &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]

Finds a construction in the inventory

initialize-instance   (construction-inventory construction-inventory) &key &allow-other-keys  [After method]
copy-object-content   (source construction-inventory) (destination construction-inventory)  [Method]
set-configuration   (construction-inventory construction-inventory) key value &key (replace t)  [Method]
get-configuration   (construction-inventory construction-inventory) key &key  [Method]
print-object   (construction-inventory construction-inventory) stream  [Method]
set-expansion-data-for-type   construction-inventory &key type data  [Function]

If label is new, it is added. If the label already existed its data is overwritten.

get-expansion-data-for-type   construction-inventory &key type  [Function]