
Class summary
construction-network inherits from construction-inventory and network
construction-node inherits from net-node
Method summary
add-cxn (construction construction) (construction-network construction-network) &key (check-consistency nil) edges
clear (construction-network construction-network) &key &allow-other-keys
construction construction-node
construction-inventory->construction-network (rc construction-inventory) &key &allow-other-keys
construction-nodes construction-network &key &allow-other-keys
constructions (construction-network construction-network) &key &allow-other-keys
copy-object-content (source construction-node) (destination construction-node)
copy-object-content (source construction-network) (destination construction-network)
cxn construction-node
delete-cxn (construction construction) (construction-network construction-network) &key (key (function identity)) (test (function eql))
find-cxn (construction construction) (construction-network construction-network) &key (key (function name)) (test (function eql))
find-cxn (construction t) (construction-network construction-network) &key (key (function identity)) (test (function eql))
initialize-instance (construction-network construction-network) &key &allow-other-keys
link-constructions start end label construction-network &key &allow-other-keys
name (cxn-node construction-node)
(setf constructions) constructions-list (construction-network construction-network)
Function summary
find-cxn-node construction construction-network &key (key (function identity)) (test (function eql))
construction-node   inherits from net-node  [Class]

A construction-node is a net-node that contains a construction. This has-a relation is better than a is-a relation since you might want to use the exact same construction in different nets. (For example when you have a production and parsing net.)

:construction :cxn    [Initarg]
construction    [Slot]

Just a regular construction

construction   construction-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the construction of the specified construction-node

cxn   construction-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the construction of the specified construction-node

construction-network   inherits from construction-inventory and network  [Class]

A construction-network is a construction-inventory and a network.

construction-nodes   construction-network &key &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]

Instead of returning the real constructions this one returns the nodes that encapsulate the constructions.

link-constructions   start end label construction-network &key &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]

Creates and adds an edge between the given constructions with the label. It assumes that start and end can be found in the network.

name   (cxn-node construction-node)  [Method]
copy-object-content   (source construction-node) (destination construction-node)  [Method]
initialize-instance   (construction-network construction-network) &key &allow-other-keys  [After method]
copy-object-content   (source construction-network) (destination construction-network)  [Method]
constructions   (construction-network construction-network) &key &allow-other-keys  [Method]
(setf constructions)   constructions-list (construction-network construction-network)  [Method]
find-cxn   (construction construction) (construction-network construction-network) &key (key (function name)) (test (function eql))  [Method]
find-cxn   (construction t) (construction-network construction-network) &key (key (function identity)) (test (function eql))  [Method]
add-cxn   (construction construction) (construction-network construction-network) &key (check-consistency nil) edges  [Method]
delete-cxn   (construction construction) (construction-network construction-network) &key (key (function identity)) (test (function eql))  [Method]
clear   (construction-network construction-network) &key &allow-other-keys  [Method]

Removes all nodes that are of type 'construction. Also removes all edges connected to them. Thus if all edges connect constructions then it will clear the complete network.

construction-inventory->construction-network   (rc construction-inventory) &key &allow-other-keys  [Method]
find-cxn-node   construction construction-network &key (key (function identity)) (test (function eql))  [Function]