
Class summary
construction-set inherits from construction-inventory
Method summary
add-cxn (construction construction) (construction-set construction-set) &key (recover-from-trash nil) (equivalent-key (function name)) (equivalent-test (function eql)) &allow-other-keys
clear (construction-set construction-set) &key (include-trash t) &allow-other-keys
constructions (construction-set construction-set) &key &allow-other-keys
copy-object-content (source construction-set) (destination construction-set)
delete-cxn (construction construction) (construction-set construction-set) &key (key (function identity)) (test (function eql)) (move-to-trash nil)
find-cxn (construction construction) (constructions list) &key (key (function name)) (test (function eql))
find-cxn (construction construction) (construction-set construction-set) &key (key (function name)) (test (function eql)) (search-trash nil)
find-cxn (construction t) (construction-set construction-set) &key (key (function name)) (test (function eql)) (search-trash nil)
original-cxn-set construction-set
(setf constructions) (construction-list list) (construction-set construction-set)
trash construction-set
construction-set   inherits from construction-inventory  [Class]

An organization of fcg constructions in a simple list

:constructions    [Initarg]
:trash    [Initarg]
:original-cxn-set    [Initarg]
constructions    [Slot]

A list of the constructions in the set

trash    [Slot]

A list of the constructions in the trash (containing non-active constructions)

original-cxn-set   construction-set  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the original-cxn-set of the specified construction-set

trash   construction-set  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the trash of the specified construction-set

clear   (construction-set construction-set) &key (include-trash t) &allow-other-keys  [Method]
constructions   (construction-set construction-set) &key &allow-other-keys  [Method]
(setf constructions)   (construction-list list) (construction-set construction-set)  [Method]
find-cxn   (construction construction) (constructions list) &key (key (function name)) (test (function eql))  [Method]
find-cxn   (construction construction) (construction-set construction-set) &key (key (function name)) (test (function eql)) (search-trash nil)  [Method]
find-cxn   (construction t) (construction-set construction-set) &key (key (function name)) (test (function eql)) (search-trash nil)  [Method]
add-cxn   (construction construction) (construction-set construction-set) &key (recover-from-trash nil) (equivalent-key (function name)) (equivalent-test (function eql)) &allow-other-keys  [Method]
delete-cxn   (construction construction) (construction-set construction-set) &key (key (function identity)) (test (function eql)) (move-to-trash nil)  [Method]
copy-object-content   (source construction-set) (destination construction-set)  [Method]