
Class summary
Method summary
all-parents cip-node
applied-constructions cip-node
children cip-node
cip cip-node
cip-add-child cip-node cxn-application-result &key
cip-enqueue node cip mode
cip-goal-test node mode
cip-node-test node mode
cip-priority node mode
cipn-car cip-node
construction-inventory construction-inventory-processor
construction-inventory cip-node
copy-object (cip construction-inventory-processor)
copy-object (cipn cip-node)
create-construction-inventory-processor construction-inventory mode &key cfs direction &allow-other-keys
create-cxn-supplier node mode
created-at cip-node
cxn-applied cip-node
cxn-supplier cip-node
direction construction-inventory-processor
duplicate cip-node
expand-cip-node node mode
fcg-apply (construction-inventory construction-inventory) (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (direction symbol) &key (notify t)
fcg-apply (construction-inventory construction-inventory) (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (direction symbol) &key (notify t)
fully-expanded? cip-node
get-configuration (cip construction-inventory-processor) key &key
get-configuration (cip cip-node) key &key
goal-test-data cip-node
initial-cfs construction-inventory-processor
initialize-instance (cip construction-inventory-processor) &key
next-cxn cxn-supplier node
node-counter construction-inventory-processor
parent (node cip-node)
parse (utterance list) (construction-inventory construction-inventory) &optional silent
parse (utterance list) (construction-inventory construction-inventory-collection) &optional silent
parse-all (utterance list) (construction-inventory construction-inventory) &key silent (n nil)
print-object (cipn cip-node) stream
priority cip-node
produce (meaning list) (construction-inventory construction-inventory) &optional silent
produce-all (meaning list) (construction-inventory construction-inventory) &key silent n
queue construction-inventory-processor
siblings cip-node
statuses cip-node
succeeded-nodes construction-inventory-processor
top-node construction-inventory-processor
traverse-depth-first tree-or-node &key collect-fn do-fn &allow-other-keys
Function summary
apply-sequentially? node cxn
cip-run-goal-tests node cip
fcg-apply-exhaustively construction-inventory cfs direction &key (notify t)
fcg-apply-with-n-solutions construction-inventory cfs direction n &key (notify t)
fcg-extract-selected-form-constraints object &optional (form-predicates (quote (meets precedes)))
fcg-get-applied-cxn x
fcg-get-direction x
fcg-get-transient-structure x
fcg-get-transient-unit-structure x
next-cip-solution cip &key (notify t)
upward-branch cipn &key (include-initial t)
construction-inventory-processor    [Class]

The state of a FCG search process for applying construction inventories

:construction-inventory    [Initarg]
:direction    [Initarg]
:initial-cfs    [Initarg]
construction-inventory    [Slot]

The construction inventory to apply

direction    [Slot]

the directino, '-> or '<-

top-node    [Slot]

The top node of the search process

queue    [Slot]

All nodes to be processed sorted by priority

node-counter    [Slot]

A counter for the number of nodes in the tree

succeeded-nodes    [Slot]

All succeeded nodes of the search process

succeeded-nodes   construction-inventory-processor  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the succeeded-nodes of the specified construction-inventory-processor

node-counter   construction-inventory-processor  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the node-counter of the specified construction-inventory-processor

queue   construction-inventory-processor  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the queue of the specified construction-inventory-processor

top-node   construction-inventory-processor  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the top-node of the specified construction-inventory-processor

initial-cfs   construction-inventory-processor  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the initial-cfs of the specified construction-inventory-processor

direction   construction-inventory-processor  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the direction of the specified construction-inventory-processor

construction-inventory   construction-inventory-processor  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the construction-inventory of the specified construction-inventory-processor

cip-node    [Class]

Represents a node in the search tree

:construction-inventory    [Initarg]
:cxn-applied    [Initarg]
:statuses    [Initarg]
:car    [Initarg]
:applied-constructions    [Initarg]
:priority    [Initarg]
:all-parents    [Initarg]
:children    [Initarg]
:cip    [Initarg]
:fully-expanded?    [Initarg]
:created-at    [Initarg]
construction-inventory    [Slot]

The construction inventory to apply

cxn-applied    [Slot]

t -- when node is created from a successful construction application (fcg-apply call), nil -- otherwise

statuses    [Slot]

A list of all the statuses the node has been in

cxn-supplier    [Slot]

An object that can be asked to return the next construction to be applied via cip-next-cxn

car    [Slot]

The result of construction application

applied-constructions    [Slot]

All constructions that have been applied so far

priority    [Slot]

The higher, the more in front in the queue

goal-test-data    [Slot]

Goal tests can store any information here

all-parents    [Slot]

The consisting of the parent node, the parent of the parent, and so on.

children    [Slot]

All children of the node

cip    [Slot]

A pointer to the application process

fully-expanded?    [Slot]

Whether a node has been fully expanded.

duplicate    [Slot]

The node that this node is a duplicate of

created-at    [Slot]

the number of previous search tree expansions when this node was created. only used for debugging

created-at   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the created-at of the specified cip-node

duplicate   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the duplicate of the specified cip-node

fully-expanded?   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the fully-expanded? of the specified cip-node

cip   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the cip of the specified cip-node

children   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the children of the specified cip-node

all-parents   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the all-parents of the specified cip-node

goal-test-data   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the goal-test-data of the specified cip-node

priority   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the priority of the specified cip-node

applied-constructions   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the applied-constructions of the specified cip-node

cipn-car   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the car of the specified cip-node

cxn-supplier   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the cxn-supplier of the specified cip-node

statuses   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the statuses of the specified cip-node

cxn-applied   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the cxn-applied of the specified cip-node

construction-inventory   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the construction-inventory of the specified cip-node

create-construction-inventory-processor   construction-inventory mode &key cfs direction &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]

Creates a construction-inventory-processor for the given construction-inventory

siblings   cip-node  [Generic function]

Returns all siblings of the give node. Does not include itself.

traverse-depth-first   tree-or-node &key collect-fn do-fn &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]

Traverses the given tree (or starting form a given node) top down in a depth first fashion. The user has to supply either a collect-fn or a do-fn which will be called on each individual node.

create-cxn-supplier   node mode  [Generic function]

Creates and returns a cxn pool for a new node

next-cxn   cxn-supplier node  [Generic function]

Returns the next construction to try from a pool

cip-node-test   node mode  [Generic function]

Tests whether a node should be further explored

cip-goal-test   node mode  [Generic function]

Tests whether a cip node is a solution

cip-enqueue   node cip mode  [Generic function]

Puts a node into the queue

cip-priority   node mode  [Generic function]

Computes a number for the priority of a node in the queue

cip-add-child   cip-node cxn-application-result &key  [Generic function]

Creates and adds a new child based on the given node and car to the given node.

expand-cip-node   node mode  [Generic function]

Returns children to be queued.

initialize-instance   (cip construction-inventory-processor) &key  [After method]
copy-object   (cip construction-inventory-processor)  [Method]
get-configuration   (cip construction-inventory-processor) key &key  [Method]
parent   (node cip-node)  [Method]
get-configuration   (cip cip-node) key &key  [Method]
print-object   (cipn cip-node) stream  [Method]
copy-object   (cipn cip-node)  [Method]
fcg-apply   (construction-inventory construction-inventory) (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (direction symbol) &key (notify t)  [Method]
fcg-apply   (construction-inventory construction-inventory) (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (direction symbol) &key (notify t)  [Before method]
produce   (meaning list) (construction-inventory construction-inventory) &optional silent  [Method]
produce-all   (meaning list) (construction-inventory construction-inventory) &key silent n  [Method]
parse   (utterance list) (construction-inventory construction-inventory) &optional silent  [Method]
parse   (utterance list) (construction-inventory construction-inventory-collection) &optional silent  [Method]
parse-all   (utterance list) (construction-inventory construction-inventory) &key silent (n nil)  [Method]

find all parse results, if n is a number, max n solutions will be returned

upward-branch   cipn &key (include-initial t)  [Function]

Returns the given cipn and all its parents

cip-run-goal-tests   node cip  [Function]
apply-sequentially?   node cxn  [Function]
next-cip-solution   cip &key (notify t)  [Function]

runs the construction inventory application search process until the next solution is found

fcg-apply-with-n-solutions   construction-inventory cfs direction n &key (notify t)  [Function]

returns the first n solutions of a construction inventory application

fcg-apply-exhaustively   construction-inventory cfs direction &key (notify t)  [Function]

returns all solutions of a construction inventory application

fcg-get-transient-structure   x  [Function]

Find the transient structure in an object.

fcg-get-transient-unit-structure   x  [Function]

Returns the pole that is used in FCG-light.

fcg-extract-selected-form-constraints   object &optional (form-predicates (quote (meets precedes)))  [Function]

Extract a selection of form constraints from a transient structure in FCG-light (meets and precedes by default).

fcg-get-direction   x  [Function]

Retrieve the direction of processig.

fcg-get-applied-cxn   x  [Function]

Return the construction that was applied.