
Class summary
construction inherits from coupled-feature-structure
Method summary
attributes construction
copy-object (construction construction)
cxn-inventory construction
domain construction
initialize-instance (cxn construction) &key (rename-variables t) &allow-other-keys
initialize-instance (cxn construction) &key &allow-other-keys
match-source construction
name construction
persistent-cxn construction
print-object (cxn construction) stream
rename-variables (cxn construction) &optional renamings
renamings construction
Function summary
attr cxn name
attr-val cxn name
cxn-with-original-variables cxn
parse-attributes attributes
safe-cxn cxn previous-cxns
(setf attr-val) new-val
Macro summary
make-cxn name attributes left-pole <--> right-pole &key (domain (quote sem-syn)) (match-source (quote full))
construction   inherits from coupled-feature-structure  [Class]

Represents a FCG construction

:name    [Initarg]
:domain    [Initarg]
:match-source    [Initarg]
:attributes    [Initarg]
:persistent-cxn    [Initarg]
:renamings    [Initarg]
:cxn-inventory    [Initarg]
name    [Slot]

A symbol for identifying a construction. Doesn't need to be unique

domain    [Slot]

Whether to operate on both poles ('sem-syn) or only on the 'sem or 'syn side

match-source    [Slot]

To which part of a transient structure to apply to. Other possible values: 'top-only, 'static-hat, 'dynamic-hat

attributes    [Slot]

A key . value alist for customizing the behavior of the construction in processing

persistent-cxn    [Slot]

Points to the persistent version of the construction. This is either itself or the version it was copied from during application.

renamings    [Slot]

The bindings used for renaming a construction.

cxn-inventory    [Slot]

A pointer back to the construction-inventory to which the cxn belongs

cxn-inventory   construction  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the cxn-inventory of the specified construction

renamings   construction  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the renamings of the specified construction

persistent-cxn   construction  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the persistent-cxn of the specified construction

attributes   construction  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the attributes of the specified construction

match-source   construction  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the match-source of the specified construction

domain   construction  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the domain of the specified construction

name   construction  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the name of the specified construction

initialize-instance   (cxn construction) &key (rename-variables t) &allow-other-keys  [After method]
initialize-instance   (cxn construction) &key &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
copy-object   (construction construction)  [Method]
print-object   (cxn construction) stream  [Method]
rename-variables   (cxn construction) &optional renamings  [Method]
cxn-with-original-variables   cxn  [Function]

Uses the renamings slot to reconstruct the cxn as it was defined. This is thus not the persistent-cxn and is more expensive. Use this for visualization.

attr   cxn name  [Function]
attr-val   cxn name  [Function]
safe-cxn   cxn previous-cxns  [Function]

We need te rename variables in a construction when it has been applied before.

parse-attributes   attributes  [Function]
(setf attr-val cxn name)   (new-val)  [Setf function]
make-cxn   name attributes left-pole <--> right-pole &key (domain (quote sem-syn)) (match-source (quote full))  [Macro]