
Class summary
fcg-construction inherits from construction
fcg-construction-set inherits from construction-inventory
fcg-light-construction inherits from fcg-construction
fcg-light-construction-set inherits from fcg-construction-set
processing-construction inherits from construction
Method summary
add-cxn (fcg-construction fcg-construction) (fcg-construction-set fcg-construction-set) &key (replace-when-equivalent t) (equivalent-test (function eql)) (equivalent-key (function name)) &allow-other-keys
add-cxn (construction fcg-construction) (construction-inventory fcg-construction-set) &key (replace-when-equivalent t) (equivalent-test (function eql)) (equivalent-key (function name))
attributes fcg-construction
clear (construction-set fcg-construction-set) &key &allow-other-keys
comprehend utterance &key cxn-inventory silent &allow-other-keys
comprehend-all utterance &key cxn-inventory silent n &allow-other-keys
comprehend-and-formulate utterance &key cxn-inventory silent &allow-other-keys
comprehension-lock conditional-unit
conditional-part fcg-construction
constructions (fcg-construction-set fcg-construction-set) &key &allow-other-keys
contributing-part fcg-construction
copy-object (cxn fcg-construction)
copy-object-content (source fcg-construction-set) (destination fcg-construction-set)
cxn-inventory fcg-query
delete-cxn (construction fcg-construction) (construction-set fcg-construction-set) &key (key (function identity)) (test (function eql))
direction fcg-query
disable-automatic-footprints fcg-construction
disable-automatic-footprints fcg-construction-set
feature-types fcg-construction
feature-types fcg-construction-set
find-cxn (fcg-construction fcg-construction) (fcg-construction-set fcg-construction-set) &key (key (function name)) (test (function eql))
find-cxn (construction t) (fcg-construction-set fcg-construction-set) &key (key (function name)) (test (function eql)) (search-trash nil)
find-cxn (construction fcg-construction) (constructions list) &key (key (function name)) (test (function eql))
formulate meaning &key cxn-inventory silent &allow-other-keys
formulate-all meaning &key cxn-inventory silent n &allow-other-keys
formulate-and-comprehend meaning &key cxn-inventory silent &allow-other-keys
formulation-lock conditional-unit
hierarchy-features fcg-construction-set
name fcg-construction
name contributing-unit
name conditional-unit
print-object (cxn fcg-construction) stream
print-object (cxn fcg-light-construction) stream
processing-cxn-inventory fcg-construction-set
sentence fcg-query
(setf constructions) (construction-list list) (construction-set fcg-construction-set)
unit-structure contributing-unit
visualisation fcg-query
Function summary
check-feature-types fs feature-types cxn-name unit-name part
find-key-arg arguments key
get-original-cxn processing-cxn
get-original-cxn-inventory processing-cxn
get-processing-cxn fcg-cxn
get-processing-cxn-inventory fcg-cxn
hash-features-only-p fcg-cxn
parse-conditional-fs fs feature-types cxn-name unit-name
parse-fcg-fs fs cxn-name feature-types
remove-key-args arguments
Macro summary
def-fcg-constructions name &body keys-and-defs
def-fcg-cxn cxn-name fs &key (cxn-inventory (quote *fcg-constructions*)) (cxn-set (quote cxn)) (score 0.5) (feature-types nil) (attributes nil) (disable-automatic-footprints nil)
def-fcg-light-constructions &body body
def-fcg-light-cxn &body body
parse-fcg-light-fs &body body
fcg-construction   inherits from construction  [Class]
:name    [Initarg]
:contributing-part    [Initarg]
:conditional-part    [Initarg]
:feature-types    [Initarg]
:disable-automatic-footprints    [Initarg]
:attributes    [Initarg]
contributing-part    [Slot]

contains list of contributing units

conditional-part    [Slot]

contains list of conditional units

attributes   fcg-construction  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the attributes of the specified fcg-construction

disable-automatic-footprints   fcg-construction  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the disable-automatic-footprints of the specified fcg-construction

feature-types   fcg-construction  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the feature-types of the specified fcg-construction

conditional-part   fcg-construction  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the conditional-part of the specified fcg-construction

contributing-part   fcg-construction  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the contributing-part of the specified fcg-construction

name   fcg-construction  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the name of the specified fcg-construction

contributing-unit    [Class]
:name    [Initarg]
:unit-structure    [Initarg]
unit-structure    [Slot]

a contributing unit

unit-structure   contributing-unit  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the unit-structure of the specified contributing-unit

name   contributing-unit  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the name of the specified contributing-unit

conditional-unit    [Class]
:name    [Initarg]
:formulation-lock    [Initarg]
:comprehension-lock    [Initarg]
formulation-lock    [Slot]

contains all features from the formulation-lock

comprehension-lock    [Slot]

contains all features from the comprehension-lock

comprehension-lock   conditional-unit  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the comprehension-lock of the specified conditional-unit

formulation-lock   conditional-unit  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the formulation-lock of the specified conditional-unit

name   conditional-unit  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the name of the specified conditional-unit

processing-construction   inherits from construction  [Class]
fcg-construction-set   inherits from construction-inventory  [Class]
:constructions    [Initarg]
:disable-automatic-footprints    [Initarg]
:feature-types    [Initarg]
:hierarchy-features    [Initarg]
:processing-cxn-inventory    [Initarg]
processing-cxn-inventory   fcg-construction-set  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the processing-cxn-inventory of the specified fcg-construction-set

hierarchy-features   fcg-construction-set  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the hierarchy-features of the specified fcg-construction-set

feature-types   fcg-construction-set  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the feature-types of the specified fcg-construction-set

disable-automatic-footprints   fcg-construction-set  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the disable-automatic-footprints of the specified fcg-construction-set

fcg-query    [Class]
:sentence    [Initarg]
:direction    [Initarg]
:cxn-inventory    [Initarg]
:visualisation    [Initarg]
input    [Slot]

input utterance/meaning representation.

either list of strings or list of meaning predicates

direction    [Slot]

Direction of the query: -> or <-

visualisation    [Slot]

slot for determining whether/how you want to visualise the answer

visualisation   fcg-query  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the visualisation of the specified fcg-query

cxn-inventory   fcg-query  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the cxn-inventory of the specified fcg-query

direction   fcg-query  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the direction of the specified fcg-query

sentence   fcg-query  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the input of the specified fcg-query

fcg-light-construction   inherits from fcg-construction  [Class]

Depreciated class for ensuring backwards compatibility.

fcg-light-construction-set   inherits from fcg-construction-set  [Class]

Depreciated class for backwards compatibility.

*fcg-constructions*    [Variable]
comprehend   utterance &key cxn-inventory silent &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]
comprehend-all   utterance &key cxn-inventory silent n &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]
formulate   meaning &key cxn-inventory silent &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]
formulate-all   meaning &key cxn-inventory silent n &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]
comprehend-and-formulate   utterance &key cxn-inventory silent &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]
formulate-and-comprehend   meaning &key cxn-inventory silent &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]
constructions   (fcg-construction-set fcg-construction-set) &key &allow-other-keys  [Method]

return the constructions of an fcg-light-construction-set

(setf constructions)   (construction-list list) (construction-set fcg-construction-set)  [Method]
add-cxn   (fcg-construction fcg-construction) (fcg-construction-set fcg-construction-set) &key (replace-when-equivalent t) (equivalent-test (function eql)) (equivalent-key (function name)) &allow-other-keys  [Method]
add-cxn   (construction fcg-construction) (construction-inventory fcg-construction-set) &key (replace-when-equivalent t) (equivalent-test (function eql)) (equivalent-key (function name))  [Before method]
find-cxn   (fcg-construction fcg-construction) (fcg-construction-set fcg-construction-set) &key (key (function name)) (test (function eql))  [Method]
find-cxn   (construction t) (fcg-construction-set fcg-construction-set) &key (key (function name)) (test (function eql)) (search-trash nil)  [Method]
find-cxn   (construction fcg-construction) (constructions list) &key (key (function name)) (test (function eql))  [Method]
clear   (construction-set fcg-construction-set) &key &allow-other-keys  [Method]
delete-cxn   (construction fcg-construction) (construction-set fcg-construction-set) &key (key (function identity)) (test (function eql))  [Method]
copy-object   (cxn fcg-construction)  [Method]
copy-object-content   (source fcg-construction-set) (destination fcg-construction-set)  [Method]
print-object   (cxn fcg-construction) stream  [Method]
print-object   (cxn fcg-light-construction) stream  [Method]
parse-fcg-fs   fs cxn-name feature-types  [Function]

Parses an fcg-light feature structure and returns a list of contributing-units and a list of conditional units (objects). Also throws warnings and errors if needed.

parse-conditional-fs   fs feature-types cxn-name unit-name  [Function]

parses an fcg light feature structure for a conditional unit, returns the conditional unit object

get-processing-cxn   fcg-cxn  [Function]

returns the processing cxn for any fcg-light-cxn

get-original-cxn   processing-cxn  [Function]

returns the original fcg-cxn for any processing-cxn (if it was created using an original fcg-cxn, of course)

get-processing-cxn-inventory   fcg-cxn  [Function]

returns the processing cxn-inventory for any fcg-light-cxn

get-original-cxn-inventory   processing-cxn  [Function]

returns the original fcg-cxn-inventory for any processing-cxn (if it was created using an original fcg-cxn, of course)

hash-features-only-p   fcg-cxn  [Function]

test wheter a cxn contains non-hash-features, i.e. whether the translation will contain non-j units, except for root returns t if fcg-cxn has only hash feature, nil otherwise

check-feature-types   fs feature-types cxn-name unit-name part  [Function]

Checks the types of features in FCG Light. Throws informative errors when it detects problems.

find-key-arg   arguments key  [Function]
remove-key-args   arguments  [Function]
def-fcg-constructions   name &body keys-and-defs  [Macro]

adds a number of constructions to the default construction set, together with a definition of feature-types and a configuration

def-fcg-cxn   cxn-name fs &key (cxn-inventory (quote *fcg-constructions*)) (cxn-set (quote cxn)) (score 0.5) (feature-types nil) (attributes nil) (disable-automatic-footprints nil)  [Macro]

Make an instance of an FCG Light cxn and add it to cxn-inventory

def-fcg-light-constructions   &body body  [Macro]

Depreciated: Macro that is kept here for backwards compatibility.

def-fcg-light-cxn   &body body  [Macro]

Depreciated: macro that is kept for backwards compatibility issues.

parse-fcg-light-fs   &body body  [Macro]