
Function summary
convert-feature-to-fcg-2 feature feature-types
convert-unit-to-fcg-2 unit-fs cxn-name cxn pole &key feature-types j-unit
fcg-light-cxn->fcg-2-cxn cxn &key (feature-types (or (feature-types cxn) (feature-types *fcg-constructions*) (quote ((args sequence) (form set-of-predicates) (meaning set-of-predicates))))) processing-cxn-inventory
find-footprints j-unit
inherit-feature-types inventory-types cxn-types
fcg-light-cxn->fcg-2-cxn   cxn &key (feature-types (or (feature-types cxn) (feature-types *fcg-constructions*) (quote ((args sequence) (form set-of-predicates) (meaning set-of-predicates))))) processing-cxn-inventory  [Function]

takes an FCG-cxn as input, and returns a processing-cxn

convert-unit-to-fcg-2   unit-fs cxn-name cxn pole &key feature-types j-unit  [Function]

takes a feature structure for an FCG unit as input and returns:

  • the unit converted into a processing-unit,

  • the tags to be added in J-units and

  • the tagged features to be added in the root

convert-feature-to-fcg-2   feature feature-types  [Function]

converts an fcg-feature to a processing-feature

find-footprints   j-unit  [Function]

returns the footprints feature of the unit

inherit-feature-types   inventory-types cxn-types  [Function]

returns inventory types with cxn-types added to them when in conflict, cxn-types win