
Function summary
convert-feature feature tab-nr stream feature-types special-feature-type
convert-predicate predicate stream
convert-transient-structure-to-latex ts &key (stream t) (tag nil)
convert-ts-unit unit stream &key (feature-types (or (feature-types *fcg-constructions*) (quote ((args sequence) (form set-of-predicates) (meaning set-of-predicates)))))
fcg-light->latex cxn &key (stream t) (tag (name cxn)) (feature-types (or (feature-types *fcg-constructions*) (quote ((args sequence) (form set-of-predicates) (meaning set-of-predicates) (subunits set)))))
fcg-light-construction-set->latex cxn-set &key (stream t) (feature-types (feature-types cxn-set))
print-conditional-unit conditional-unit stream feature-types
print-contributing-unit contributing-unit stream feature-types
print-tab tab-nr stream
fcg-light-construction-set->latex   cxn-set &key (stream t) (feature-types (feature-types cxn-set))  [Function]
fcg-light->latex   cxn &key (stream t) (tag (name cxn)) (feature-types (or (feature-types *fcg-constructions*) (quote ((args sequence) (form set-of-predicates) (meaning set-of-predicates) (subunits set)))))  [Function]

takes an fcg-light cxn and prints it into a latex align environment

print-contributing-unit   contributing-unit stream feature-types  [Function]

prints a contributing unit as a LaTeX tabular to stream

print-conditional-unit   conditional-unit stream feature-types  [Function]

prints a contributing unit as a LaTeX tabular to stream

convert-feature   feature tab-nr stream feature-types special-feature-type  [Function]
convert-predicate   predicate stream  [Function]
print-tab   tab-nr stream  [Function]
convert-transient-structure-to-latex   ts &key (stream t) (tag nil)  [Function]

Converts a FCG transient structure into a latex 'align' environment.

Takes as arguments a FCG transient structure, an output stream and optionally a tag, ie. a string you want to appear as the tag in latex (e.g. cxn-name)

convert-ts-unit   unit stream &key (feature-types (or (feature-types *fcg-constructions*) (quote ((args sequence) (form set-of-predicates) (meaning set-of-predicates)))))  [Function]

takes as input an FCG-3 transient structure unit and a stream, writes it as a tabular to the stream