
Structure summary
Method summary
find-scope constraint constraint-name
order-units-locally constraint scoped-constraints predicate
print-object (node render-node) stream
render (struct list) (mode (eql :default))
render (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (mode t)
render (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (mode (eql :default))
render (struct list) (mode (eql :no-shuffle))
render (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (mode (eql :no-shuffle))
render (struct list) (mode (eql :boundaries))
render (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (mode (eql :boundaries))
render (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (mode (eql :render-in-root-mode))
render (struct list) (mode (eql :render-in-root-mode))
render (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (mode (eql :render-in-one-pole-mode))
render (struct list) (mode (eql :render-with-scope))
render (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (mode (eql :render-with-scope))
Function summary
copy-render-node render-node
deep-find-atom atom lst &key (test (function eql))
enforce-first-unit unit chains
expand-non-terminal x struct
extract-struct unit-name s
find-render-node name from-node
flatten-sequence chains
force-meets top left-branch right-branch &optional strict
get-leaves tree &optional result
get-lexeme struct lb
get-scope-from-form-constraint constraint
insert-meets meets-lst lst
insert-meets-constraint meeting-units lst
insert-precede order lst
insert-precedes order chains
make-chain lst-1 lst-2
make-chains meeting-units
make-render-node &key name string parent subnodes (orderings t)
maybe-init-orderings rn
new-render syn &key (shuffle t)
order-constraints-by-predicate constraints predicates &optional (result)
print-nodes from-node
reduce-scoped-constraints lst
remove-duplicate-units list-of-unit-names &optional result
render-add-strings structure top-node from-node from-unit &key (stems? t)
render-boundaries syn-struct &optional (top (get-top-unit syn-struct))
render-branches node1 node2
render-extract-strings topnode &optional (all nil) &key (shuffle t)
render-handle-meets structure topnode
render-handle-precedes structure topnode
render-in-root-mode syn
render-node-name render-node
render-node-orderings render-node
render-node-p object
render-node-parent render-node
render-node-string render-node
render-node-subnodes render-node
render-upnodes node
retain-only-terminals tree non-terminals terminals struct
sort-order-constraints meets-constraints &optional solution
structure->render-node structure from-unit &optional parent-node
render-node    [Structure]
render-node-orderings   render-node  [Function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the orderings of the specified render-node

render-node-subnodes   render-node  [Function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the subnodes of the specified render-node

render-node-parent   render-node  [Function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the parent of the specified render-node

render-node-string   render-node  [Function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the string of the specified render-node

render-node-name   render-node  [Function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the name of the specified render-node

make-render-node   &key name string parent subnodes (orderings t)  [Function]

Returns a newly created render-node.

copy-render-node   render-node  [Function]

Returns a copy of the specified render-node.

render-node-p   object  [Function]

Returns T if the specified object is of type render-node.

order-units-locally   constraint scoped-constraints predicate  [Generic function]
find-scope   constraint constraint-name  [Generic function]
render   (struct list) (mode (eql :default))  [Method]
render   (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (mode t)  [Method]
render   (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (mode (eql :default))  [Method]
render   (struct list) (mode (eql :no-shuffle))  [Method]
render   (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (mode (eql :no-shuffle))  [Method]
render   (struct list) (mode (eql :boundaries))  [Method]
render   (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (mode (eql :boundaries))  [Method]
print-object   (node render-node) stream  [Method]
render   (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (mode (eql :render-in-root-mode))  [Method]
render   (struct list) (mode (eql :render-in-root-mode))  [Method]
render   (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (mode (eql :render-in-one-pole-mode))  [Method]
render   (struct list) (mode (eql :render-with-scope))  [Method]
render   (cfs coupled-feature-structure) (mode (eql :render-with-scope))  [Method]
extract-struct   unit-name s  [Function]

Extracts all units in s starting from unit with unit-name.

get-lexeme   struct lb  [Function]
render-boundaries   syn-struct &optional (top (get-top-unit syn-struct))  [Function]
print-nodes   from-node  [Function]
render-upnodes   node  [Function]

Return all nodes starting from node-name up to the topnode in that order.

render-branches   node1 node2  [Function]

Return the node in which the paths to node1 and node2 branch, together with the downward paths from the branching node to the respective input nodes as lists with first elements the subnodes of the branching node.

find-render-node   name from-node  [Function]
structure->render-node   structure from-unit &optional parent-node  [Function]
render-add-strings   structure top-node from-node from-unit &key (stems? t)  [Function]
maybe-init-orderings   rn  [Function]
force-meets   top left-branch right-branch &optional strict  [Function]
render-handle-meets   structure topnode  [Function]
render-handle-precedes   structure topnode  [Function]
render-extract-strings   topnode &optional (all nil) &key (shuffle t)  [Function]
new-render   syn &key (shuffle t)  [Function]
insert-precede   order lst  [Function]
insert-precedes   order chains  [Function]

Check whether all the precedes constraints are also satisfied.

insert-meets   meets-lst lst  [Function]

Take care of the adjacency constraints.

insert-meets-constraint   meeting-units lst  [Function]

Insert the meets-constraint in its proper position.

sort-order-constraints   meets-constraints &optional solution  [Function]

Make sure that the meets-constraints are in proper order.

make-chain   lst-1 lst-2  [Function]

Merge the two lists by appending list-1 to the rest of lst-2.

make-chains   meeting-units  [Function]

If there are chains of meets-constraints, group them as one list.

enforce-first-unit   unit chains  [Function]

Pick out the chain that starts with the initial unit and put it in front.

flatten-sequence   chains  [Function]

Return a flat list of unique unit-names.

render-in-root-mode   syn  [Function]

Currently tailored for the English grammar.

order-constraints-by-predicate   constraints predicates &optional (result)  [Function]

Groups the constraints in the same order as they appear in the predicates argument.

deep-find-atom   atom lst &key (test (function eql))  [Function]

Recursively looks for an atom in a list, and returns it if found.

reduce-scoped-constraints   lst  [Function]

Try to fit in the constraints with each other.

expand-non-terminal   x struct  [Function]

Expand a non-terminal to its lowest subunits.

get-leaves   tree &optional result  [Function]

Return all the leaves of a tree.

retain-only-terminals   tree non-terminals terminals struct  [Function]

Given a tree, only keep the terminal leaves.

get-scope-from-form-constraint   constraint  [Function]

Calls the generic function find-scope.

remove-duplicate-units   list-of-unit-names &optional result  [Function]

Given a list of unit names, keep only the first mention of the unit respecting the order of the list.