
Class summary
coupled-feature-structure inherits from blackboard
Method summary
cfs pole
combined-pole (cfs coupled-feature-structure)
copy-object (pole pole)
copy-object (cfs coupled-feature-structure)
copy-object-content (source pole) (destination pole)
copy-object-content (source coupled-feature-structure) (destination coupled-feature-structure)
get-unmatched-strings (structure coupled-feature-structure)
initialize-instance (cfs coupled-feature-structure) &key (left-pole-domain (quote sem)) (right-pole-domain (quote syn)) (compute-combined-pole nil) &allow-other-keys
instantiate-variables (p pole) &optional renamings
instantiate-variables (cfs coupled-feature-structure) &optional renamings
left-pole coupled-feature-structure
left-pole-domain object
left-pole-structure object
match-pole cfs label-or-direction
merge-pole cfs label-or-direction
pole-domain pole
pole-structure pole
pole-vars pole
print-object (pole pole) stream
print-object (cfs coupled-feature-structure) stream
right-pole coupled-feature-structure
right-pole-domain object
right-pole-structure object
shorten-variables structure
Function summary
add-struct to-add from &optional (add-duplicate-values t)
check-hierarchy in-structure &key (top-unit (get-top-unit in-structure))
combine-cfs cfs
combine-feature left-feat right-feat
combine-unit left-unit right-unit
extract-context unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-contexts structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-features variable unit &key names all-values
extract-forms structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-link unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-links structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-meaning unit &optional var (ignore-tags nil)
extract-meanings structure &optional var (ignore-tags nil)
extract-meets-constraint unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-meets-constraints structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-or-stem unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-or-stems structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-or-string unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-or-strings structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-ordering-constraint unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-ordering-constraints structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-precedes-constraint unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-precedes-constraints structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-sem-cat unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-sem-cats structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-stem unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-stems structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-string unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-strings structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-syn-cat unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-syn-cats structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)
extract-units variables structure &key feature-names (all-values nil) (include-parents t)
extract-values variable feature
fcg-get-boundaries structure
feature->pattern feature &optional renamings
feature-difference f1 f2
feature-name feature
feature-value feature
feature-value-difference v1 v2
get-all-strings structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)
get-j-unit pattern
get-j-units pattern
get-level-0-unit structure
get-level-units level structure
get-link unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
get-parent-unit unit structure
get-root structure
get-stem unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
get-string unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
get-strings unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
get-subunits-feature unit
get-top-unit structure
get-units-downto-level level structure
get-units-without-superunits structure
get-var unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)
j-unit-name j-unit
j-unit-p unit
make-feature name value
make-unit &key (name (make-id "UNIT")) features
null-1 x
predicate-or-constant->pattern p-or-c &optional renamings introduce-vars
remove-feature-from-fs feature fs &key (test (function eql)) (key (function identity))
remove-feature-from-unit feature unit &key (test (function eql)) (key (function identity))
remove-j-units pattern
remove-root-unit structure
remove-struct to-remove from
rename-feature-in-fs old-name new-name fs &key (test (function eql))
rename-feature-in-unit old-name new-name unit &key (test (function eql))
root-p unit
sem-pole construction
(setf feature-value) new
(setf left-pole-structure) new-struct
(setf right-pole-structure) new-struct
(setf unit-feature-value) value
(setf unit-features) features
(setf unit-name) name
structure->pattern structure &optional renamings
structure-depth structure &optional starting-node
structure-difference s1 s2
structure-unit struct name
subunits unit structure
subunits-feature? f
syn-pole construction
tag-and-j-unit-vars-in x
tag-feature-name tag
tag-feature-value tag
unit->pattern unit &optional renamings
unit-body unit
unit-difference u1 u2
unit-feature unit name &optional (ignore-tags t) (return-full-tag nil)
unit-feature-value unit name &optional (ignore-tags nil)
unit-features unit
unit-name unit
unit-name-vars structure
unit-tag-feature unit feature-name
update-pole-vars pole
value->pattern val &optional renamings introduce-vars (includes-operator (quote ==1))
Macro summary
make-cfs left-pole <--> right-pole &key (left-pole-domain (quote sem)) (right-pole-domain (quote syn))
pole    [Class]
:structure :pole-structure    [Initarg]
:cfs    [Initarg]
:domain    [Initarg]
cfs    [Slot]

A reference back to the cfs of which the pole is part

pole-vars   pole  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the vars of the specified pole

pole-domain   pole  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the domain of the specified pole

cfs   pole  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the cfs of the specified pole

pole-structure   pole  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the structure of the specified pole

coupled-feature-structure   inherits from blackboard  [Class]
:left-pole    [Initarg]
:right-pole    [Initarg]
:combined-pole    [Initarg]
combined-pole    [Slot]

This pole is a combination of left and right pole.

right-pole   coupled-feature-structure  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the right-pole of the specified coupled-feature-structure

left-pole   coupled-feature-structure  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the left-pole of the specified coupled-feature-structure

feature-structure   (quote (and list (not nil)))  [Type]

will be replaced by a proper class or list

left-pole-structure   object  [Generic function]
right-pole-structure   object  [Generic function]
left-pole-domain   object  [Generic function]
right-pole-domain   object  [Generic function]
match-pole   cfs label-or-direction  [Generic function]

Returns either the left- or right-pole given a label (e.g. 'parsing) or direction symbol (e.g. '->).

merge-pole   cfs label-or-direction  [Generic function]

Returns either the left- or right-pole given a label (e.g. 'parsing) or direction symbol (e.g. '->).

shorten-variables   structure  [Generic function]

Shortens all variables so that the numbers tailing them are as short as possible.

instantiate-variables   (p pole) &optional renamings  [Method]

Instantiate all variables that occur in p to new unique constants and return the result. The renamings used (an alist) is returned as second value.

copy-object   (pole pole)  [Method]
copy-object-content   (source pole) (destination pole)  [Method]
print-object   (pole pole) stream  [Method]
initialize-instance   (cfs coupled-feature-structure) &key (left-pole-domain (quote sem)) (right-pole-domain (quote syn)) (compute-combined-pole nil) &allow-other-keys  [After method]
combined-pole   (cfs coupled-feature-structure)  [Method]
instantiate-variables   (cfs coupled-feature-structure) &optional renamings  [Method]

Instantiate all variables that occur in the cfs to new unique constants and return the result. The renamings used (an alist) is returned as second value.

copy-object   (cfs coupled-feature-structure)  [Method]
copy-object-content   (source coupled-feature-structure) (destination coupled-feature-structure)  [Method]
print-object   (cfs coupled-feature-structure) stream  [Method]
get-unmatched-strings   (structure coupled-feature-structure)  [Method]

Returns all strings from the top unit of the right-pole-structure

make-feature   name value  [Function]
feature-name   feature  [Function]
tag-feature-name   tag  [Function]

Returns the name of the feature that is tagged by this tag

feature-value   feature  [Function]
tag-feature-value   tag  [Function]
subunits-feature?   f  [Function]
feature-value-difference   v1 v2  [Function]
feature-difference   f1 f2  [Function]
make-unit   &key (name (make-id "UNIT")) features  [Function]
unit-name   unit  [Function]
unit-body   unit  [Function]
unit-features   unit  [Function]
unit-feature   unit name &optional (ignore-tags t) (return-full-tag nil)  [Function]
unit-tag-feature   unit feature-name  [Function]

Returns a tag found in the unit which tags the given feature

unit-feature-value   unit name &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
null-1   x  [Function]
unit-difference   u1 u2  [Function]
get-subunits-feature   unit  [Function]
subunits   unit structure  [Function]
get-parent-unit   unit structure  [Function]
extract-meaning   unit &optional var (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]

Get the meaning predicates in unit. If var is provided only return those that have var as their second element (i.e. as in (predicate var ...)). Note: the var options is meaning-format specific, and for instance not useful when using IRL meaning.

extract-sem-cat   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-syn-cat   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
get-strings   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
get-string   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
get-stem   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-string   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-stem   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-or-string   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-or-stem   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-ordering-constraint   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-meets-constraint   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-precedes-constraint   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-context   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
get-link   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-link   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
get-var   unit &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
j-unit-p   unit  [Function]
j-unit-name   j-unit  [Function]
structure-unit   struct name  [Function]
extract-meanings   structure &optional var (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]

Get the meaning predicates in structure. If var is provided only return those that have var as their second element (i.e. as in (predicate var ...))

extract-sem-cats   structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-syn-cats   structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-forms   structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
get-all-strings   structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-strings   structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-stems   structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-or-strings   structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-or-stems   structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-ordering-constraints   structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-meets-constraints   structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-precedes-constraints   structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-contexts   structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
extract-links   structure &optional (ignore-tags nil)  [Function]
get-level-0-unit   structure  [Function]
get-top-unit   structure  [Function]
get-root   structure  [Function]

In the root-mode, get the root unit.

root-p   unit  [Function]
remove-root-unit   structure  [Function]

Remove the root unit.

fcg-get-boundaries   structure  [Function]

Get the value for the feature boundaries.

structure-depth   structure &optional starting-node  [Function]
get-units-without-superunits   structure  [Function]
get-units-downto-level   level structure  [Function]
get-level-units   level structure  [Function]
check-hierarchy   in-structure &key (top-unit (get-top-unit in-structure))  [Function]

Checks whether the hierarchical structure in-structure contains loops or other inconsistencies, returning nil if it does.

structure-difference   s1 s2  [Function]
remove-j-units   pattern  [Function]
get-j-units   pattern  [Function]
get-j-unit   pattern  [Function]
remove-struct   to-remove from  [Function]
add-struct   to-add from &optional (add-duplicate-values t)  [Function]
predicate-or-constant->pattern   p-or-c &optional renamings introduce-vars  [Function]

Part of a set of functions to transform a unit into a unit pattern that could for example be used as part of the pole of a construction. Probably you only need unit->pattern.

value->pattern   val &optional renamings introduce-vars (includes-operator (quote ==1))  [Function]

Part of a set of functions to transform a unit into a unit pattern that could for example be used as part of the pole of a construction. Probably you only need unit->pattern.

feature->pattern   feature &optional renamings  [Function]

Part of a set of functions to transform a unit into a unit pattern that could for example be used as part of the pole of a construction. Probably you only need unit->pattern.

unit->pattern   unit &optional renamings  [Function]

Transforms a unit into a unit pattern that could for example be used as part of the pole of a construction.

structure->pattern   structure &optional renamings  [Function]

Transforms a structure into a into a pattern that could for example be used as the pole of a construction.

extract-values   variable feature  [Function]

Part of a set of functions to extract the relevant parts of a structure with respect to a variable. Probably you only need extract-units

extract-features   variable unit &key names all-values  [Function]

Part of a set of functions to extract the relevant parts of a structure with respect to a variable. Probably you only need extract-units

extract-units   variables structure &key feature-names (all-values nil) (include-parents t)  [Function]
tag-and-j-unit-vars-in   x  [Function]
unit-name-vars   structure  [Function]
update-pole-vars   pole  [Function]
remove-feature-from-unit   feature unit &key (test (function eql)) (key (function identity))  [Function]

Non destructively removes the feature from the unit. The key is called on every feature in the unit. Features in tags will be completely ignored. As second value it returns the removed features.

rename-feature-in-unit   old-name new-name unit &key (test (function eql))  [Function]

Features in tags will be completely ignored.

rename-feature-in-fs   old-name new-name fs &key (test (function eql))  [Function]

Features in tags will be completely ignored.

remove-feature-from-fs   feature fs &key (test (function eql)) (key (function identity))  [Function]

Non destructively removes the feature from all units in the feature structure. The key is called on every feature in every feature-unit. Features in tags will be completely ignored. As second value it returns a feature structure with only the removed features.

combine-feature   left-feat right-feat  [Function]

I assume that these features are actually only footprints or subunits, which have flat lists as values.

combine-unit   left-unit right-unit  [Function]
combine-cfs   cfs  [Function]
syn-pole   construction  [Function]

Return the right pole of a construction.

sem-pole   construction  [Function]

Return the semantic pole of a construction.

(setf feature-value feature)   (new)  [Setf function]
(setf unit-name unit)   (name)  [Setf function]
(setf unit-features unit)   (features)  [Setf function]
(setf unit-feature-value unit name)   (value)  [Setf function]
(setf left-pole-structure object)   (new-struct)  [Setf function]
(setf right-pole-structure object)   (new-struct)  [Setf function]
make-cfs   left-pole <--> right-pole &key (left-pole-domain (quote sem)) (right-pole-domain (quote syn))  [Macro]