
Class summary
chunk-composer-node-solution inherits from chunk-evaluation-result
Method summary
children chunk-composer-node
chunk chunk-composer-node
chunks chunk-composer
configuration chunk-composer
copy-object (node chunk-composer-node)
depth chunk-composer-node
enqueue-node node composer
evaluation-tree chunk-composer-node
expand-chunk chunk composer
get-chunks-for-evaluation node
handle-node node handler composer
handler-history chunk-composer-node
initialize-instance (composer chunk-composer) &key (initial-node nil) (initial-chunk nil)
matched-chunks chunk-composer-node
max-search-depth chunk-composer
meaning chunk-composer
next-handler chunk-composer-node
node chunk-composer-node-solution
node-class chunk-composer
nodes chunk-composer
ontology chunk-composer
print-object (node chunk-composer-node) stream
queue chunk-composer
score-solution solution composer
sequence-number chunk-composer-node
solutions chunk-composer-node
solutions chunk-composer
source-chunks chunk-composer-node
top-node chunk-composer
Function summary
get-all-solutions composer &key (notify t)
get-next-solutions composer &key (notify t)
get-solutions composer &key (stop-criteria (function identity))
increase-max-search-depth composer max-search-depth
chunk-composer-node-solution   inherits from chunk-evaluation-result  [Class]

A chunk evaluation result (a solution), augmented by the node.

:node    [Initarg]
node    [Slot]

Node that was evaluated to yield evaluation result.

node   chunk-composer-node-solution  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the node of the specified chunk-composer-node-solution

chunk-composer-node    [Class]
:next-handler    [Initarg]
:handler-history    [Initarg]
:chunk    [Initarg]
:source-chunks    [Initarg]
:children    [Initarg]
:sequence-number    [Initarg]
:depth    [Initarg]
:solutions    [Initarg]
:evaluation-tree    [Initarg]
:matched-chunks    [Initarg]
sequence-number    [Slot]

Each node that is added to the tree gets a consecutive number

depth    [Slot]

How deep the node is in the tree

solutions    [Slot]

A list of composer-node-results

evaluation-tree    [Slot]

When evaluated, this contains the tree

matched-chunks   chunk-composer-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the matched-chunks of the specified chunk-composer-node

evaluation-tree   chunk-composer-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the evaluation-tree of the specified chunk-composer-node

solutions   chunk-composer-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the solutions of the specified chunk-composer-node

depth   chunk-composer-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the depth of the specified chunk-composer-node

sequence-number   chunk-composer-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the sequence-number of the specified chunk-composer-node

children   chunk-composer-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the children of the specified chunk-composer-node

source-chunks   chunk-composer-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the source-chunks of the specified chunk-composer-node

chunk   chunk-composer-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the chunk of the specified chunk-composer-node

handler-history   chunk-composer-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the handler-history of the specified chunk-composer-node

next-handler   chunk-composer-node  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the next-handler of the specified chunk-composer-node

chunk-composer    [Class]
:node-class    [Initarg]
:ontology    [Initarg]
:configuration    [Initarg]
:chunks    [Initarg]
:nodes    [Initarg]
:solutions    [Initarg]
:queue    [Initarg]
:meaning    [Initarg]
:max-search-depth    [Initarg]
ontology    [Slot]

The ontology to be used for the composer

configuration    [Slot]

A configuration used in the composer

top-node    [Slot]

the top node of the search tree (== the initial node)

max-search-depth    [Slot]

the maximum number of chunk extensions

max-search-depth   chunk-composer  [Generic function]

Returns the max-search-depth of the specified chunk-composer

meaning   chunk-composer  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the meaning of the specified chunk-composer

queue   chunk-composer  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the queue of the specified chunk-composer

solutions   chunk-composer  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the solutions of the specified chunk-composer

top-node   chunk-composer  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the top-node of the specified chunk-composer

nodes   chunk-composer  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the nodes of the specified chunk-composer

chunks   chunk-composer  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the chunks of the specified chunk-composer

configuration   chunk-composer  [Generic function]

Returns the configuration of the specified chunk-composer

ontology   chunk-composer  [Generic function]

Returns the ontology of the specified chunk-composer

node-class   chunk-composer  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the node-class of the specified chunk-composer

handle-node   node handler composer  [Generic function]
enqueue-node   node composer  [Generic function]
score-solution   solution composer  [Generic function]
get-chunks-for-evaluation   node  [Generic function]
expand-chunk   chunk composer  [Generic function]
initialize-instance   (composer chunk-composer) &key (initial-node nil) (initial-chunk nil)  [After method]
print-object   (node chunk-composer-node) stream  [Method]
copy-object   (node chunk-composer-node)  [Method]
increase-max-search-depth   composer max-search-depth  [Function]
get-next-solutions   composer &key (notify t)  [Function]
get-all-solutions   composer &key (notify t)  [Function]
get-solutions   composer &key (stop-criteria (function identity))  [Function]