
Class summary
empty-repair inherits from test-repair
real-problem inherits from problem
regular-repair inherits from test-repair
repair-no-trigger-yes-problem inherits from test-repair
test-diagnostic-1 inherits from diagnostic
test-diagnostic-2 inherits from diagnostic
test-diagnostic-3 inherits from diagnostic
test-diagnostic-4 inherits from diagnostic
test-diagnostic-5 inherits from diagnostic
test-repair inherits from repair
universal-repair inherits from test-repair
Method summary
diagnose (d test-diagnostic-1) object-w-learning &key trigger
diagnose (d test-diagnostic-2) object-w-learning &key test-data &allow-other-keys
diagnose (d test-diagnostic-3) object-w-learning &key &allow-other-keys
diagnose (d test-diagnostic-4) object-w-learning &key &allow-other-keys
initialize-instance (diagnostic test-diagnostic-2) &key
ran test-repair
ran empty-repair
repair (r universal-repair) (problem (eql nil)) object-w-learning &key &allow-other-keys
repair (r repair-no-trigger-yes-problem) (problem string) object-w-learning &key &allow-other-keys
repair (r repair-no-trigger-yes-problem) (problem symbol) object-w-learning &key &allow-other-keys
repair (r repair-no-trigger-yes-problem) (problem real-problem) object-w-learning &key &allow-other-keys
repair (r regular-repair) (problem real-problem) object-w-learning &key extra-data-1 extra-data-2 &allow-other-keys
Function summary
reset-test-repairs object-w-learning
test-diagnostic-1   inherits from diagnostic  [Class]
test-diagnostic-2   inherits from diagnostic  [Class]
test-diagnostic-3   inherits from diagnostic  [Class]
test-diagnostic-4   inherits from diagnostic  [Class]
test-diagnostic-5   inherits from diagnostic  [Class]
real-problem   inherits from problem  [Class]
test-repair   inherits from repair  [Class]
:ran    [Initarg]
ran   test-repair  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the ran of the specified test-repair

empty-repair   inherits from test-repair  [Class]
ran   empty-repair  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the ran of the specified empty-repair

universal-repair   inherits from test-repair  [Class]
repair-no-trigger-yes-problem   inherits from test-repair  [Class]
regular-repair   inherits from test-repair  [Class]
diagnose   (d test-diagnostic-1) object-w-learning &key trigger  [Method]
initialize-instance   (diagnostic test-diagnostic-2) &key  [After method]
diagnose   (d test-diagnostic-2) object-w-learning &key test-data &allow-other-keys  [Method]
diagnose   (d test-diagnostic-3) object-w-learning &key &allow-other-keys  [Method]
diagnose   (d test-diagnostic-4) object-w-learning &key &allow-other-keys  [Method]


repair   (r universal-repair) (problem (eql nil)) object-w-learning &key &allow-other-keys  [Method]
repair   (r repair-no-trigger-yes-problem) (problem string) object-w-learning &key &allow-other-keys  [Method]
repair   (r repair-no-trigger-yes-problem) (problem symbol) object-w-learning &key &allow-other-keys  [Method]
repair   (r repair-no-trigger-yes-problem) (problem real-problem) object-w-learning &key &allow-other-keys  [Method]
repair   (r regular-repair) (problem real-problem) object-w-learning &key extra-data-1 extra-data-2 &allow-other-keys  [Method]
reset-test-repairs   object-w-learning  [Function]
run-meta-layer-tests    [Function]