
Class summary
3d-gnuplot-display inherits from 3d-gnuplotter
3d-gnuplot-display-and-graphic-and-movie-generator inherits from 3d-gnuplot-display, 3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator and 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator
3d-gnuplot-display-and-graphic-generator inherits from 3d-gnuplot-display and 3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator
3d-gnuplot-display-and-movie-generator inherits from 3d-gnuplot-display and 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator
3d-gnuplot-file-writer inherits from 3d-gnuplotter
3d-gnuplot-graphic-and-movie-generator inherits from 3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator and 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator
3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator inherits from 3d-gnuplotter
3d-gnuplot-movie-generator inherits from 3d-gnuplotter
3d-gnuplotter inherits from 3d-handler
3d-handler inherits from monitor
3d-printer inherits from 3d-handler
3d-recorder inherits from monitor
Method summary
activate-monitor-method (monitor 3d-handler) &optional active
activate-monitor-method (monitor 3d-gnuplot-display) &optional active
activate-monitor-method (monitor 3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator) &optional active
activate-monitor-method (monitor 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator) &optional active
colour-fn 3d-gnuplotter
current-values 3d-recorder
delta-rotz 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator
delta-rotz 3d-gnuplot-file-writer
display-update-interval 3d-gnuplot-display
file-writer-interval 3d-gnuplot-file-writer
frame-filenames 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator
get-values 3d-recorder
gnuplot-file-name 3d-gnuplot-file-writer
graphic-file-name 3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator
handle-interaction-finished-event (monitor 3d-recorder) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote interaction-finished))) (experiment t) (interaction t) (interaction-number number)
handle-interaction-finished-event (monitor 3d-printer) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote interaction-finished))) (experiment t) (interaction t) (interaction-number number)
handle-interaction-finished-event (monitor 3d-gnuplot-display) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote interaction-finished))) (experiment t) (interaction t) (interaction-number number)
handle-reset-monitors-event (monitor 3d-recorder) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote reset-monitors)))
handle-series-finished-event (monitor 3d-recorder) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote series-finished))) (series-number number)
handle-series-finished-event (monitor 3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote series-finished))) (series-number number)
handle-series-finished-event (monitor 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote series-finished))) (series-number number)
handle-series-finished-event (monitor 3d-gnuplot-file-writer) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote series-finished))) (series-number number)
initialize-instance (monitor 3d-recorder) &key id &allow-other-keys
initialize-instance (monitor 3d-handler) &key data-sources &allow-other-keys
initialize-instance (monitor 3d-printer) &key id &allow-other-keys
initialize-instance (monitor 3d-gnuplotter) &key &allow-other-keys
initialize-instance (monitor 3d-gnuplot-display) &key id &allow-other-keys
initialize-instance (monitor 3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator) &key id graphic-file-name &allow-other-keys
initialize-instance (monitor 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator) &key id movie-file-name &allow-other-keys
initialize-instance (monitor 3d-gnuplot-file-writer) &key id gnuplot-file-name &allow-other-keys
interval 3d-printer
monitor-ids-of-sources 3d-handler
movie-file-name 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator
movie-update-interval 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator
only-final-state 3d-gnuplot-file-writer
only-last-value 3d-recorder
plot-stream 3d-gnuplotter
point-sizes 3d-gnuplotter
point-types 3d-gnuplotter
random-offset 3d-gnuplotter
record-once-per-series 3d-recorder
record-value (monitor 3d-recorder) (values t)
sources 3d-handler
title 3d-gnuplotter
x-max 3d-gnuplotter
x-min 3d-gnuplotter
xyz-labels 3d-gnuplotter
y-max 3d-gnuplotter
y-min 3d-gnuplotter
z-max 3d-gnuplotter
z-min 3d-gnuplotter
Function summary
plot-3d-data monitor sets-of-3d-points
3d-recorder   inherits from monitor  [Class]

Records 3d values.

:record-once-per-series    [Initarg]
:only-last-value    [Initarg]
values    [Slot]

Contains a list of 3d points (also a list) for each interaction.

current-values    [Slot]

A list of 3d points for the current interaction.

record-once-per-series    [Slot]

When t, this recorder only stores one value per series.

only-last-value    [Slot]

When t, this recorder only stores the most recent value per series.

only-last-value   3d-recorder  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the only-last-value of the specified 3d-recorder

record-once-per-series   3d-recorder  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the record-once-per-series of the specified 3d-recorder

current-values   3d-recorder  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the current-values of the specified 3d-recorder

get-values   3d-recorder  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the values of the specified 3d-recorder

3d-handler   inherits from monitor  [Class]

Handles the recorded data of a 3d-recorder.

sources    [Slot]

Pointers to the values slot of the associated recorders.

monitor-ids-of-sources    [Slot]

The monitor ids of the assocciated recorders.

monitor-ids-of-sources   3d-handler  [Generic function]

Returns the monitor-ids-of-sources of the specified 3d-handler

sources   3d-handler  [Generic function]

Returns the sources of the specified 3d-handler

3d-printer   inherits from 3d-handler  [Class]

Prints the values of a 3d-recorder after each interval-th interaction.

:interval    [Initarg]
interval    [Slot]

Only every interval-th interaction is printed.

interval   3d-printer  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the interval of the specified 3d-printer

3d-gnuplotter   inherits from 3d-handler  [Class]

A gnuplotter based on the 3d-recorder.

:colour-fn    [Initarg]
:xyz-labels    [Initarg]
:point-sizes    [Initarg]
:point-types    [Initarg]
:title    [Initarg]
:x-max    [Initarg]
:x-min    [Initarg]
:y-max    [Initarg]
:y-min    [Initarg]
:z-max    [Initarg]
:z-min    [Initarg]
:random-offset    [Initarg]
stream    [Slot]

Where the plotter writes it output.

colour-fn    [Slot]

Function which takes in a 3d point and returns a rgb colour in gnuplot format, for example 0x000000 for black or 0x3CFD00 for green.

xyz-labels    [Slot]

A list containing a symbol for each axis.

point-sizes    [Slot]

The point-sizes of the scatter plot.

point-types    [Slot]

The point-types of the scatter plot.

title    [Slot]

The title of the plot.

x-max    [Slot]

The maximum for the x axis. Nil results in automatic scaling

x-min    [Slot]

The minimum for the x axis. Nil results in automatic scaling

y-max    [Slot]

The maximum for the y axis. Nil results in automatic scaling

y-min    [Slot]

The minimum for the y axis. Nil results in automatic scaling

z-max    [Slot]

The maximum for the z axis. Nil results in automatic scaling

z-min    [Slot]

The minimum for the z axis. Nil results in automatic scaling

random-offset    [Slot]

When not nil adds a random offset to the position of the labels which can be provided as an extra string as a fourth element in the data-points of the data-sources. When all data-sources consist of true 3d-points, this value is ignored.

random-offset   3d-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the random-offset of the specified 3d-gnuplotter

z-min   3d-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the z-min of the specified 3d-gnuplotter

z-max   3d-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the z-max of the specified 3d-gnuplotter

y-min   3d-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the y-min of the specified 3d-gnuplotter

y-max   3d-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the y-max of the specified 3d-gnuplotter

x-min   3d-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the x-min of the specified 3d-gnuplotter

x-max   3d-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the x-max of the specified 3d-gnuplotter

title   3d-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the title of the specified 3d-gnuplotter

point-types   3d-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the point-types of the specified 3d-gnuplotter

point-sizes   3d-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the point-sizes of the specified 3d-gnuplotter

xyz-labels   3d-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the xyz-labels of the specified 3d-gnuplotter

colour-fn   3d-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the colour-fn of the specified 3d-gnuplotter

plot-stream   3d-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the stream of the specified 3d-gnuplotter

3d-gnuplot-display   inherits from 3d-gnuplotter  [Class]

Plots values in realtime on a display using gnuplot.

:display-update-interval    [Initarg]
display-update-interval    [Slot]

How often the display is redrawn.

display-update-interval   3d-gnuplot-display  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the display-update-interval of the specified 3d-gnuplot-display

3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator   inherits from 3d-gnuplotter  [Class]

Generates a graphic file at the end of each series.

:graphic-file-name    [Initarg]
graphic-file-name    [Slot]

The file name (path) of the graphic file to produce.

graphic-file-name   3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the graphic-file-name of the specified 3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator

3d-gnuplot-movie-generator   inherits from 3d-gnuplotter  [Class]

Generates a movie file at the end of each series.

:movie-file-name    [Initarg]
:movie-update-interval    [Initarg]
:delta-rotz    [Initarg]
movie-file-name    [Slot]

The file name (path) of the graphic file to produce.

frame-filenames    [Slot]

Contains the file-names of the movieframes.

delta-rotz    [Slot]

How many degrees the view is turned after each frame.

delta-rotz   3d-gnuplot-movie-generator  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the delta-rotz of the specified 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator

movie-update-interval   3d-gnuplot-movie-generator  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the movie-update-interval of the specified 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator

frame-filenames   3d-gnuplot-movie-generator  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the frame-filenames of the specified 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator

movie-file-name   3d-gnuplot-movie-generator  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the movie-file-name of the specified 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator

3d-gnuplot-display-and-graphic-generator   inherits from 3d-gnuplot-display and 3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator  [Class]

Both displays a graph and generates a graphic file at the end of each series.

3d-gnuplot-display-and-movie-generator   inherits from 3d-gnuplot-display and 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator  [Class]

Both displays a graph and generates a movie file at the end of each series.

3d-gnuplot-graphic-and-movie-generator   inherits from 3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator and 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator  [Class]

Both displays generates a graphic and a movie file at the end of each series.

3d-gnuplot-display-and-graphic-and-movie-generator   inherits from 3d-gnuplot-display, 3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator and 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator  [Class]

Both displays a graph, generates a graphic file and generates a movie file at the end of each series.

3d-gnuplot-file-writer   inherits from 3d-gnuplotter  [Class]

Generates a complete gnuplot script that can generate a 3d plot.

:gnuplot-file-name    [Initarg]
:only-final-state    [Initarg]
:file-writer-interval    [Initarg]
:delta-rotz    [Initarg]
gnuplot-file-name    [Slot]

The file name (path) of the gnuplot file to produce

only-final-state    [Slot]

When t, only writes final state to file.

file-writer-interval    [Slot]

How often the intermediatery data states are written.

delta-rotz    [Slot]

How many degrees the view is turned after each write.

delta-rotz   3d-gnuplot-file-writer  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the delta-rotz of the specified 3d-gnuplot-file-writer

file-writer-interval   3d-gnuplot-file-writer  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the file-writer-interval of the specified 3d-gnuplot-file-writer

only-final-state   3d-gnuplot-file-writer  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the only-final-state of the specified 3d-gnuplot-file-writer

gnuplot-file-name   3d-gnuplot-file-writer  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the gnuplot-file-name of the specified 3d-gnuplot-file-writer

initialize-instance   (monitor 3d-recorder) &key id &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
handle-interaction-finished-event   (monitor 3d-recorder) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote interaction-finished))) (experiment t) (interaction t) (interaction-number number)  [After method]
handle-series-finished-event   (monitor 3d-recorder) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote series-finished))) (series-number number)  [After method]
handle-reset-monitors-event   (monitor 3d-recorder) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote reset-monitors)))  [Before method]
record-value   (monitor 3d-recorder) (values t)  [Method]
initialize-instance   (monitor 3d-handler) &key data-sources &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
activate-monitor-method   (monitor 3d-handler) &optional active  [After method]
initialize-instance   (monitor 3d-printer) &key id &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
handle-interaction-finished-event   (monitor 3d-printer) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote interaction-finished))) (experiment t) (interaction t) (interaction-number number)  [Around method]
initialize-instance   (monitor 3d-gnuplotter) &key &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
initialize-instance   (monitor 3d-gnuplot-display) &key id &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
handle-interaction-finished-event   (monitor 3d-gnuplot-display) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote interaction-finished))) (experiment t) (interaction t) (interaction-number number)  [Around method]
activate-monitor-method   (monitor 3d-gnuplot-display) &optional active  [After method]

Opens or closes a pipe to gnuplot.

initialize-instance   (monitor 3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator) &key id graphic-file-name &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
handle-series-finished-event   (monitor 3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote series-finished))) (series-number number)  [Method]
activate-monitor-method   (monitor 3d-gnuplot-graphic-generator) &optional active  [After method]

Opens or closes a pipe to gnuplot.

initialize-instance   (monitor 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator) &key id movie-file-name &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
handle-series-finished-event   (monitor 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote series-finished))) (series-number number)  [After method]
activate-monitor-method   (monitor 3d-gnuplot-movie-generator) &optional active  [After method]

Opens or closes a pipe to gnuplot.

initialize-instance   (monitor 3d-gnuplot-file-writer) &key id gnuplot-file-name &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
handle-series-finished-event   (monitor 3d-gnuplot-file-writer) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote series-finished))) (series-number number)  [Method]
plot-3d-data   monitor sets-of-3d-points  [Function]