
Class summary
alist-gnuplot-display inherits from alist-gnuplotter
alist-gnuplot-display-and-graphic-generator inherits from alist-gnuplot-display and alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator
alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator inherits from alist-gnuplotter
alist-gnuplotter inherits from alist-handler
alist-handler inherits from monitor
alist-printer inherits from alist-handler
alist-recorder inherits from monitor
Method summary
activate-monitor-method (monitor alist-handler) &optional active
activate-monitor-method (monitor alist-gnuplot-display) &optional active
add-time-and-experiment-to-file-name alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator
allowed-types alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator
average-values alist-recorder
average-window alist-recorder
colored alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator
colors alist-gnuplotter
current-values alist-recorder
dashed alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator
data alist-handler
display-threshold alist-gnuplotter
divide-indices-by alist-gnuplotter
draw-y-grid alist-gnuplotter
empty-list alist-recorder
error-bars alist-gnuplotter
file-name alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator
first-value-positions alist-recorder
get-values alist-recorder
graphic-type alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator
handle-batch-finished-event (monitor alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote batch-finished))) (experiment-class string)
handle-interaction-finished-event (monitor alist-recorder) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote interaction-finished))) (experiment t) (interaction t) (interaction-number number)
handle-interaction-finished-event (monitor alist-printer) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote interaction-finished))) (experiment t) (interaction t) (interaction-number number)
handle-interaction-finished-event (monitor alist-gnuplot-display) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote interaction-finished))) (experiment t) (interaction t) (interaction-number number)
handle-interaction-started-event (monitor alist-recorder) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote interaction-started))) (experiment t) (interaction t) (interaction-number number)
handle-reset-monitors-event (monitor alist-recorder) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote reset-monitors)))
handle-series-finished-event (monitor alist-recorder) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote series-finished))) (series-number number)
hide-legend alist-gnuplotter
incf-value-for-symbol monitor symbol value
initialize-instance (monitor alist-recorder) &key id &allow-other-keys
initialize-instance (monitor alist-handler) &key recorder &allow-other-keys
initialize-instance (monitor alist-printer) &key id &allow-other-keys
initialize-instance (monitor alist-gnuplotter) &key y-min y-max line-width x-label y-label &allow-other-keys
initialize-instance (monitor alist-gnuplot-display) &key id &allow-other-keys
initialize-instance (monitor alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator) &key id graphic-type file-name &allow-other-keys
interval alist-printer
keep-previous-values alist-recorder
key-location alist-gnuplotter
line-width alist-gnuplotter
minimum-number-of-data-points alist-gnuplotter
plot-data (monitor alist-gnuplotter)
plot-stream alist-gnuplotter
recorder alist-handler
set-value-for-symbol monitor symbol value
update-interval alist-gnuplot-display
x-label alist-gnuplotter
y-label alist-gnuplotter
y-max alist-gnuplotter
y-min alist-gnuplotter
alist-recorder   inherits from monitor  [Class]

Records averaged values for a alist

:average-window    [Initarg]
:keep-previous-values    [Initarg]
values    [Slot]

An alist of symbols and batches of series of 'values' for each interaction

average-values    [Slot]

An alist of symbols and the averaged values for the batches of series ..

current-values    [Slot]

An alist of symbols and current values

empty-list    [Slot]

A list with the same structure as the previous three but nils instead of values. This list is copied when a new symbol shows up.

first-value-positions    [Slot]

The position of the first value of each symbol

average-window    [Slot]

Values are averaged over the last n interactions

keep-previous-values    [Slot]

When t and no value was recorded for a particular symbol, then the value of the previous interaction is used, otherwise 0

keep-previous-values   alist-recorder  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the keep-previous-values of the specified alist-recorder

average-window   alist-recorder  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the average-window of the specified alist-recorder

first-value-positions   alist-recorder  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the first-value-positions of the specified alist-recorder

empty-list   alist-recorder  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the empty-list of the specified alist-recorder

current-values   alist-recorder  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the current-values of the specified alist-recorder

average-values   alist-recorder  [Generic function]

Returns the average-values of the specified alist-recorder

get-values   alist-recorder  [Generic function]

Returns the values of the specified alist-recorder

alist-handler   inherits from monitor  [Class]

Handles the recorded data of an alist-recorder

:recorder    [Initarg]
data    [Slot]

A pointer to the average-values slot of the associated recorder

recorder    [Slot]

The id of the assocciated recorder

recorder   alist-handler  [Generic function]

Returns the recorder of the specified alist-handler

data   alist-handler  [Generic function]

Returns the data of the specified alist-handler

alist-printer   inherits from alist-handler  [Class]

Prints the values of an alist recorder after each interaction

:interval    [Initarg]
interval    [Slot]

Only every nth interaction is printed

interval   alist-printer  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the interval of the specified alist-printer

alist-gnuplotter   inherits from alist-handler  [Class]

A gnuplotter based on the alist-recorder

:minimum-number-of-data-points    [Initarg]
:error-bars    [Initarg]
:key-location    [Initarg]
:y-max    [Initarg]
:y-min    [Initarg]
:x-label    [Initarg]
:y-label    [Initarg]
:line-width    [Initarg]
:draw-y-grid    [Initarg]
:hide-legend    [Initarg]
:display-threshold    [Initarg]
:divide-indices-by    [Initarg]
minimum-number-of-data-points    [Slot]

At least that many values are plotted along the x-axis.

It can be more depending on the dynamically adapted step size.

error-bars    [Slot]

When t, error bars are plotted

key-location    [Slot]

Where the key is placed (this is directly passed to 'set key')

y-max    [Slot]

The maximum for the left y axis. Nil results in automatic scaling

y-min    [Slot]

The minimum value for the left y axis. Nil means automatic scaling

x-label    [Slot]

A label for the x axis

y-label    [Slot]

A label for the y axis

line-width    [Slot]

The width of the lines for curves and errorbars

draw-y-grid    [Slot]

Whether to draw horizontal lines at the y axis ticks

hide-legend    [Slot]

Whether to draw a legend

display-threshold    [Slot]

Whether to draw a set of data points (average score above threshold)

stream    [Slot]

Where the plot-data method writes its output

colors    [Slot]

A list of line colors to use for plotting.

divide-indices-by    [Slot]

A constant by which the indices (x-values) are divided by.

divide-indices-by   alist-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the divide-indices-by of the specified alist-gnuplotter

colors   alist-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the colors of the specified alist-gnuplotter

plot-stream   alist-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the stream of the specified alist-gnuplotter

display-threshold   alist-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the display-threshold of the specified alist-gnuplotter

hide-legend   alist-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the hide-legend of the specified alist-gnuplotter

draw-y-grid   alist-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the draw-y-grid of the specified alist-gnuplotter

line-width   alist-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the line-width of the specified alist-gnuplotter

y-label   alist-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the y-label of the specified alist-gnuplotter

x-label   alist-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the x-label of the specified alist-gnuplotter

y-min   alist-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the y-min of the specified alist-gnuplotter

y-max   alist-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns the y-max of the specified alist-gnuplotter

key-location   alist-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the key-location of the specified alist-gnuplotter

error-bars   alist-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the error-bars of the specified alist-gnuplotter

minimum-number-of-data-points   alist-gnuplotter  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the minimum-number-of-data-points of the specified alist-gnuplotter

alist-gnuplot-display   inherits from alist-gnuplotter  [Class]

Plots values in realtime on a display using gnuplot

:update-interval    [Initarg]
update-interval    [Slot]

How often the display is redrawn

update-interval   alist-gnuplot-display  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the update-interval of the specified alist-gnuplot-display

alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator   inherits from alist-gnuplotter  [Class]

Generates a graphic file at the end of run-batch

:file-name    [Initarg]
:colored    [Initarg]
:dashed    [Initarg]
:add-time-and-experiment-to-file-name    [Initarg]
:graphic-type    [Initarg]
file-name    [Slot]

The file name (path) of the graphic file to produce

colored    [Slot]

When t, different data lines have different colors. Only has effect in some terminals

dashed    [Slot]

When t, different data lines have different dashes. Only has effect in some terminals

add-time-and-experiment-to-file-name    [Slot]

When t, the file name is prefixed with the name of the experiment class and a yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss string

allowed-types    [Slot]

These graphic types are allowed

graphic-type    [Slot]

The type of graphic to produce

graphic-type   alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator  [Generic function]

Returns the graphic-type of the specified alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator

allowed-types   alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator  [Generic function]

Returns the allowed-types of the specified alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator

add-time-and-experiment-to-file-name   alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the add-time-and-experiment-to-file-name of the specified alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator

dashed   alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the dashed of the specified alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator

colored   alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the colored of the specified alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator

file-name   alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the file-name of the specified alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator

alist-gnuplot-display-and-graphic-generator   inherits from alist-gnuplot-display and alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator  [Class]

Both displays a graph and generates a graphic file in the end

set-value-for-symbol   monitor symbol value  [Generic function]

Sets a value for a symbol in a alist recorder

incf-value-for-symbol   monitor symbol value  [Generic function]

Increases the current value for symbol (initallly 0) by value

initialize-instance   (monitor alist-recorder) &key id &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
handle-interaction-started-event   (monitor alist-recorder) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote interaction-started))) (experiment t) (interaction t) (interaction-number number)  [Before method]
handle-interaction-finished-event   (monitor alist-recorder) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote interaction-finished))) (experiment t) (interaction t) (interaction-number number)  [After method]
handle-series-finished-event   (monitor alist-recorder) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote series-finished))) (series-number number)  [After method]
handle-reset-monitors-event   (monitor alist-recorder) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote reset-monitors)))  [Before method]
initialize-instance   (monitor alist-handler) &key recorder &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
activate-monitor-method   (monitor alist-handler) &optional active  [After method]
initialize-instance   (monitor alist-printer) &key id &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
handle-interaction-finished-event   (monitor alist-printer) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote interaction-finished))) (experiment t) (interaction t) (interaction-number number)  [Around method]
initialize-instance   (monitor alist-gnuplotter) &key y-min y-max line-width x-label y-label &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
plot-data   (monitor alist-gnuplotter)  [Method]
initialize-instance   (monitor alist-gnuplot-display) &key id &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
handle-interaction-finished-event   (monitor alist-gnuplot-display) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote interaction-finished))) (experiment t) (interaction t) (interaction-number number)  [Around method]
activate-monitor-method   (monitor alist-gnuplot-display) &optional active  [After method]

Opens or closes a pipe to gnuplot.

initialize-instance   (monitor alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator) &key id graphic-type file-name &allow-other-keys  [Around method]
handle-batch-finished-event   (monitor alist-gnuplot-graphic-generator) (monitor-id symbol) (event (eql (quote batch-finished))) (experiment-class string)  [Method]