
Method summary
run-tests &optional package-name
Function summary
Macro summary
activate-monitor id &optional (active t)
deactivate-monitor id
define-event id &body parameters
define-event-handler (monitor-id event-id) &body body
define-monitor id &rest init-arguments &key (class (quote (quote monitor))) documentation &allow-other-keys
notify event-id &rest data
toggle-monitor id
toggle-monitors &rest ids
with-disabled-activation-of-monitors &body body
with-disabled-monitor-notifications &body body
with-disabled-monitors &body body
run-tests   &optional package-name  [Around method]

disables monitor notifications in tests

deactivate-all-monitors    [Function]

Deactivates all active monitors

print-all-monitors    [Function]

Prints all registered monitors. You can use this function to easily see which monitors are active.

print-all-events    [Function]

Prints all events

define-event   id &body parameters  [Macro]

Defines an event. This needs to be done before monitors using that event can be registered. 'parameters' is pairs of parameter names and their classes as used in method declarations.

define-monitor   id &rest init-arguments &key (class (quote (quote monitor))) documentation &allow-other-keys  [Macro]

Defines a monitor. Note that all monitors have to be defined before they can be used, e.g in defining event handlers. Parameter 'id' is used to identify the monitor. Documentation should contain a short string that helps other users to guess what the monitor does. If you want to use another base class than 'monitor', then pass this to 'class'. Note that you can pass arbitrary keyword arguments for the creation of the monitor.

define-event-handler   (monitor-id event-id) &body body  [Macro]

Defines a handling method for an event a (list of) specific monitor. Pass the event id you want to handle to 'event'. The id of the monitor (or a list of many monitor ids) is passed to 'monitor-id'. The parameters for the method are automatically copied from the event definition of 'event'. The monitor instance is accessible with the parameter 'monitor'.

with-disabled-monitor-notifications   &body body  [Macro]

use this to run some code without monitor notifications

notify   event-id &rest data  [Macro]

Notifies all active monitors for 'event-id' on data.

with-disabled-activation-of-monitors   &body body  [Macro]

use this to run some code without monitor activations

activate-monitor   id &optional (active t)  [Macro]

Activates a monitor

deactivate-monitor   id  [Macro]

Deactivates a monitor

toggle-monitor   id  [Macro]

Toggles the activation of a monitor

toggle-monitors   &rest ids  [Macro]

Toggles the activation of monitors

with-disabled-monitors   &body body  [Macro]

use this to run some code without monitor activations and notifications