
Function summary
calculate-error-string gnuplot-batch-point error-bars
create-bar-plot &key (data (error "Please supply :data")) (plot-name "bar-plot") (plot-directory (quote (".tmp"))) (graphic-type "pdf") error-bars (title nil) y-label x-label (y-min 0) y-max (key-location "above") (box-width 1.5) (draw-y-grid t) (grid-color "#aaaaaa") (grid-line-width 2) (color (first monitors:*great-gnuplot-colors*)) (line-width 1.5) (logscale nil) (fsize 10) (typeface "Helvetica") (rotate-xlabels-by 0) (data-labels (quote ("a1" "a2"))) (open t)
create-bar-plot-a-vs-b &key (data (error "Please supply :data")) (plot-name "bar-plot-a-vs-b") (plot-directory (quote (".tmp"))) (graphic-type "pdf") error-bars (title "") x-label y-label y2-label (labels-a (quote ("a1" "a2"))) (labels-b (quote ("b1" "b2"))) (key-location "above") y-min y-max y2-max y-axes (draw-y-grid t) (grid-color "#aaaaaa") (grid-line-width 0.5) (colors monitors:*great-gnuplot-colors*) (fsize 10) (typeface "Helvetica") (line-width 1.5) (open t)
create-stacked-bar-plot-a-b &key (data (error "Please supply :data")) (plot-name "stacked-bar-plot-a-b") (plot-directory (quote (".tmp"))) (graphic-type "pdf") (title nil) y-label x-label (key-location "below") (y-min 0.0) y-max (box-width 0.5) (draw-y-grid t) (grid-color "#aaaaaa") (grid-line-width 0.5) (line-width 1.5) (colors monitors:*great-gnuplot-colors*) (rotate-xlabels-by 0) (fsize 10) (typeface "Helvetica") labels-a labels-b (open t)
file-structure->grouped-bar-plot &key (raw-file-paths (quote (error "Please provide :raw-file-paths, e.g. ((\"my-exp\" \"raw-data\" \"success\") ((\"my-exp\" \"raw-data\"\"coherence\"))"))) (plot-name (reduce (function (lambda (p1 p2) (string-append p1 "+" (first (last p2))))) (first raw-file-paths))) (plot-directory (butlast (first (first raw-file-paths)))) (file-type "lisp") (labels-a (mapcar (function (lambda (path) (first (last path)))) (first raw-file-paths))) (labels-b (mapcar (function (lambda (path) (first (last (butlast (first path)))))) raw-file-paths)) (only-x-last-interactions nil) y-max y-min (key-location "above") (colors monitors:*great-gnuplot-colors*) (title nil) (x-label "") (y-label "") (error-bars nil) (open t)
file-structure->stacked-bar-plot &key (raw-file-paths (quote (error "Please provide :raw-file-paths, e.g. ((\"my-exp\" \"raw-data\" \"success\") ((\"my-exp\" \"raw-data\"\"coherence\"))"))) (plot-name (reduce (function (lambda (p1 p2) (string-append p1 "+" (first (last p2))))) (first raw-file-paths))) (plot-directory (butlast (first (first raw-file-paths)))) (labels-a (mapcar (function (lambda (path) (first (last path)))) (first raw-file-paths))) (labels-b (mapcar (function (lambda (path) (first (last (butlast (first path)))))) raw-file-paths)) (only-x-last-interactions nil) y-max (title nil) (x-label "") (y-label "") (open t)
raw-files->bar-plot &key (raw-file-paths (quote (error "Please provide :raw-file-paths, e.g. ((\"my-exp\" \"raw-data\" \"success\") ((\"my-exp\" \"raw-data\"\"coherence\"))"))) (file-type "lisp") (plot-name (reduce (function (lambda (str1 str2) (string-append str1 "+" str2))) raw-file-paths :key (function (lambda (path) (first (last path)))))) (plot-directory (butlast (first raw-file-paths))) (data-labels (mapcar (function (lambda (path) (first (last path)))) raw-file-paths)) (only-x-last-interactions nil) (y-max nil) (y-min nil) (key-location "above") (logscale nil) (box-width 1.5) (title nil) (x-label "") (y-label "") (error-bars :stdev) (open t)
raw-files->bar-plot   &key (raw-file-paths (quote (error "Please provide :raw-file-paths, e.g. ((\"my-exp\" \"raw-data\" \"success\") ((\"my-exp\" \"raw-data\"\"coherence\"))"))) (file-type "lisp") (plot-name (reduce (function (lambda (str1 str2) (string-append str1 "+" str2))) raw-file-paths :key (function (lambda (path) (first (last path)))))) (plot-directory (butlast (first raw-file-paths))) (data-labels (mapcar (function (lambda (path) (first (last path)))) raw-file-paths)) (only-x-last-interactions nil) (y-max nil) (y-min nil) (key-location "above") (logscale nil) (box-width 1.5) (title nil) (x-label "") (y-label "") (error-bars :stdev) (open t)  [Function]

All :raw-file-paths are plotted in a bar-plot. With :only-x-last-interactions you can specifiy that the bars should only show the average of the last x measurements. If nil then the full average will be taken.

file-structure->grouped-bar-plot   &key (raw-file-paths (quote (error "Please provide :raw-file-paths, e.g. ((\"my-exp\" \"raw-data\" \"success\") ((\"my-exp\" \"raw-data\"\"coherence\"))"))) (plot-name (reduce (function (lambda (p1 p2) (string-append p1 "+" (first (last p2))))) (first raw-file-paths))) (plot-directory (butlast (first (first raw-file-paths)))) (file-type "lisp") (labels-a (mapcar (function (lambda (path) (first (last path)))) (first raw-file-paths))) (labels-b (mapcar (function (lambda (path) (first (last (butlast (first path)))))) raw-file-paths)) (only-x-last-interactions nil) y-max y-min (key-location "above") (colors monitors:*great-gnuplot-colors*) (title nil) (x-label "") (y-label "") (error-bars nil) (open t)  [Function]

Filepath should be a list of lists of file-paths where each sublist represents a group of bars. With :only-x-last-interactions you can specifiy that the bars should only show the average of the last x measurements. If nil then the full average will be taken.

file-structure->stacked-bar-plot   &key (raw-file-paths (quote (error "Please provide :raw-file-paths, e.g. ((\"my-exp\" \"raw-data\" \"success\") ((\"my-exp\" \"raw-data\"\"coherence\"))"))) (plot-name (reduce (function (lambda (p1 p2) (string-append p1 "+" (first (last p2))))) (first raw-file-paths))) (plot-directory (butlast (first (first raw-file-paths)))) (labels-a (mapcar (function (lambda (path) (first (last path)))) (first raw-file-paths))) (labels-b (mapcar (function (lambda (path) (first (last (butlast (first path)))))) raw-file-paths)) (only-x-last-interactions nil) y-max (title nil) (x-label "") (y-label "") (open t)  [Function]

For each directory, all of the given files will be searched and then plotted in a stacked bar plot. With :only-x-last-interactions you can specifiy that the bars should only show the average of the last x measurements. If nil then the full average will be taken.

calculate-error-string   gnuplot-batch-point error-bars  [Function]
create-bar-plot   &key (data (error "Please supply :data")) (plot-name "bar-plot") (plot-directory (quote (".tmp"))) (graphic-type "pdf") error-bars (title nil) y-label x-label (y-min 0) y-max (key-location "above") (box-width 1.5) (draw-y-grid t) (grid-color "#aaaaaa") (grid-line-width 2) (color (first monitors:*great-gnuplot-colors*)) (line-width 1.5) (logscale nil) (fsize 10) (typeface "Helvetica") (rotate-xlabels-by 0) (data-labels (quote ("a1" "a2"))) (open t)  [Function]
create-bar-plot-a-vs-b   &key (data (error "Please supply :data")) (plot-name "bar-plot-a-vs-b") (plot-directory (quote (".tmp"))) (graphic-type "pdf") error-bars (title "") x-label y-label y2-label (labels-a (quote ("a1" "a2"))) (labels-b (quote ("b1" "b2"))) (key-location "above") y-min y-max y2-max y-axes (draw-y-grid t) (grid-color "#aaaaaa") (grid-line-width 0.5) (colors monitors:*great-gnuplot-colors*) (fsize 10) (typeface "Helvetica") (line-width 1.5) (open t)  [Function]
create-stacked-bar-plot-a-b   &key (data (error "Please supply :data")) (plot-name "stacked-bar-plot-a-b") (plot-directory (quote (".tmp"))) (graphic-type "pdf") (title nil) y-label x-label (key-location "below") (y-min 0.0) y-max (box-width 0.5) (draw-y-grid t) (grid-color "#aaaaaa") (grid-line-width 0.5) (line-width 1.5) (colors monitors:*great-gnuplot-colors*) (rotate-xlabels-by 0) (fsize 10) (typeface "Helvetica") labels-a labels-b (open t)  [Function]

stacks a, bundled with b