
Function summary
set-border stream &optional (type "border")
set-boxwidth stream width
set-fill stream &optional (type "empty")
set-gnuplot-parameters stream &key (output nil output-supplied-p) (terminal nil terminal-supplied-p) (title nil title-supplied-p) (key-location nil key-location-supplied-p) (y1-min nil y1-min-supplied-p) (y1-max nil y1-max-supplied-p) (y2-min nil y2-min-supplied-p) (y2-max nil y2-max-supplied-p) (x-label nil x-label-supplied-p) (y1-label nil y1-label-supplied-p) (y2-label nil y2-label-supplied-p) (draw-y1-grid nil draw-y1-grid-supplied-p) (draw-y2-grid nil draw-y2-grid-supplied-p) (grid-color "#aaaaaa") (grid-line-width 0.5) (dashed t) (fsize 10) (line-width 1.5) (typeface "Helvetica")
set-grid stream &key (where "back") (axis "y") (color "#aaaaaa") (line-width 0.5)
set-histogram stream &key (error-bars nil) (gap 1) (line-width 2)
set-key-location stream &optional (location "below")
set-label stream axis label
set-output stream plot-path
set-output-piped stream plot-path
set-range stream axis min max
set-terminal stream &key (graphic-type "pdf") (line-width 2.5) (dashed t) (font "Helvetica, 10")
set-title stream title
set-x-labels stream labels &optional (rotate-by 0)
set-x-tic-labels stream labels &optional (rotate-by 0)
set-output   stream plot-path  [Function]
set-output-piped   stream plot-path  [Function]
set-terminal   stream &key (graphic-type "pdf") (line-width 2.5) (dashed t) (font "Helvetica, 10")  [Function]
set-title   stream title  [Function]
set-histogram   stream &key (error-bars nil) (gap 1) (line-width 2)  [Function]
set-fill   stream &optional (type "empty")  [Function]
set-border   stream &optional (type "border")  [Function]
set-grid   stream &key (where "back") (axis "y") (color "#aaaaaa") (line-width 0.5)  [Function]
set-key-location   stream &optional (location "below")  [Function]
set-label   stream axis label  [Function]
set-boxwidth   stream width  [Function]
set-x-tic-labels   stream labels &optional (rotate-by 0)  [Function]
set-x-labels   stream labels &optional (rotate-by 0)  [Function]
set-range   stream axis min max  [Function]
set-gnuplot-parameters   stream &key (output nil output-supplied-p) (terminal nil terminal-supplied-p) (title nil title-supplied-p) (key-location nil key-location-supplied-p) (y1-min nil y1-min-supplied-p) (y1-max nil y1-max-supplied-p) (y2-min nil y2-min-supplied-p) (y2-max nil y2-max-supplied-p) (x-label nil x-label-supplied-p) (y1-label nil y1-label-supplied-p) (y2-label nil y2-label-supplied-p) (draw-y1-grid nil draw-y1-grid-supplied-p) (draw-y2-grid nil draw-y2-grid-supplied-p) (grid-color "#aaaaaa") (grid-line-width 0.5) (dashed t) (fsize 10) (line-width 1.5) (typeface "Helvetica")  [Function]

A convenience function to write a set of gnuplot commands to the gnuplot stream. Only when a key :value is supplied will anything be written. As such it will never overwrite already written values.