
Class summary
Method summary
avg-val gnuplot-batch-point
batch-data gnuplot-batch-point
max-val gnuplot-batch-point
median-val gnuplot-batch-point
min-val gnuplot-batch-point
name gnuplot-batch-point
print-object (point gnuplot-batch-point) stream
stdev-val gnuplot-batch-point
Function summary
bell-curve window var-square
calculate-missing-slots batch-point
collect-data-for-bar-plots file-paths &key (file-type "lisp") (only-x-last-interactions nil)
collect-data-for-evo-plots file-paths &key (file-type "dat") (only-x-last-interactions nil) (start nil) (end nil) (series-numbers nil) (windows nil)
collect-data-for-grouped-bar-plots file-path-groups &key (file-type "lisp") (only-x-last-interactions nil)
collect-data-from-files files directory
compute-batch-point data name
compute-batch-points-for-evo-plot data name
create-batch-points name data
data-apply-average-window data window
data-number-of-series data
data-pick-series data series-numbers
data-reduce data &optional (maximal-series-length nil)
data-remove-index-row data
data-set-minimal-number-of-series data-set
data-set-reduce-data-point-density data &optional (percentage 10)
data-set-reduce-number-of-series data-set &optional (series-numbers nil)
data-set-remove-index-rows data-set
data-set-shortest-series-length data-set
data-set-subseries data-set start end
data-shortest-series-length data
data-subseries data start end
get-bell-curve window cache
limit nr low up
percentile gnuplot-batch-point p
pre-compute-bell-curves window var-square
read-dat &key (name (quote (error "Please supply :name"))) (directory (quote (error "Please supply :directory"))) (file-type "dat")
read-lisp &key (name (quote (error "Please supply :name"))) (directory (quote (error "Please supply :directory"))) (file-type "lisp")
read-raw &key (name (quote (error "Please supply :name"))) (directory (quote (error "Please supply :directory"))) (file-type "dat")
series-apply-average-window series window
series-apply-normal-window-aux series left-window
total-applied series min-inclusive index bell-curve-cache
total-bell-curve series min-inclusive index bell-curve-cache
transpose table
gnuplot-batch-point    [Class]

Keeps the data for one one entry of a raw batch file. For example if there were 10 series of 1000 games in the batch there would be 1000 gnuplot-batch-points. It also then keeps all sorts of interesting data, like average, stdev, max, min, ...

:name    [Initarg]
:batch-data    [Initarg]
:avg-val    [Initarg]
:median-val    [Initarg]
:stdev-val    [Initarg]
:max-val    [Initarg]
:min-val    [Initarg]
name    [Slot]

Name of what was measured, e.g. communicative success

batch-data    [Slot]

Unprocessed data with an element for each serie.

avg-val    [Slot]

The average of the batch-data

median-val    [Slot]

The median of the batch-data

stdev-val    [Slot]

The standard deviation of the batch-data

max-val    [Slot]

The max value in the batch-data

min-val    [Slot]

The min value in the batch-data

min-val   gnuplot-batch-point  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the min-val of the specified gnuplot-batch-point

max-val   gnuplot-batch-point  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the max-val of the specified gnuplot-batch-point

stdev-val   gnuplot-batch-point  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the stdev-val of the specified gnuplot-batch-point

median-val   gnuplot-batch-point  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the median-val of the specified gnuplot-batch-point

avg-val   gnuplot-batch-point  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the avg-val of the specified gnuplot-batch-point

batch-data   gnuplot-batch-point  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the batch-data of the specified gnuplot-batch-point

name   gnuplot-batch-point  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the name of the specified gnuplot-batch-point

print-object   (point gnuplot-batch-point) stream  [Method]
read-raw   &key (name (quote (error "Please supply :name"))) (directory (quote (error "Please supply :directory"))) (file-type "dat")  [Function]

If possible use lisp format instead of dat (txt) as it is much faster for reading and writing.

read-lisp   &key (name (quote (error "Please supply :name"))) (directory (quote (error "Please supply :directory"))) (file-type "lisp")  [Function]

Returns a list of lists where the first list contains the interaction numbers. The remaining lists are the values for every series.

read-dat   &key (name (quote (error "Please supply :name"))) (directory (quote (error "Please supply :directory"))) (file-type "dat")  [Function]

Returns a list of lists where the first list contains the interaction numbers. The remaining lists are the values for every series.

transpose   table  [Function]
calculate-missing-slots   batch-point  [Function]

Given a batch-point that has at least its batch-data slot filled this function will fill in all other information like stdev, median, average, max and min. If some information is already provided it is not recalculated, which means the function cannot used as an update function.

limit   nr low up  [Function]

Helper function which returns nr if it is between low and up. Otherwise it returns either low or up (depending on whether it was lower or higher)

percentile   gnuplot-batch-point p  [Function]
collect-data-from-files   files directory  [Function]
collect-data-for-evo-plots   file-paths &key (file-type "dat") (only-x-last-interactions nil) (start nil) (end nil) (series-numbers nil) (windows nil)  [Function]

Assumes a list of file-paths.

create-batch-points   name data  [Function]
compute-batch-points-for-evo-plot   data name  [Function]
collect-data-for-bar-plots   file-paths &key (file-type "lisp") (only-x-last-interactions nil)  [Function]

Assumes a list of lists of file-paths. Each sublist represents a seperate group of bars.

compute-batch-point   data name  [Function]
collect-data-for-grouped-bar-plots   file-path-groups &key (file-type "lisp") (only-x-last-interactions nil)  [Function]
data-set-subseries   data-set start end  [Function]
data-set-reduce-data-point-density   data &optional (percentage 10)  [Function]

For speed optimization (and drawing/printing the pdf) you might want to reduce the number of points. You can give a percentage of point to keep. For example, instead of drawing a point for every game you can choose to only draw every ten games, which means only 10%, which you can get by passing 10 as percentage.

data-subseries   data start end  [Function]
data-number-of-series   data  [Function]
data-set-minimal-number-of-series   data-set  [Function]
data-set-reduce-number-of-series   data-set &optional (series-numbers nil)  [Function]
data-pick-series   data series-numbers  [Function]
data-shortest-series-length   data  [Function]
data-set-shortest-series-length   data-set  [Function]
data-remove-index-row   data  [Function]
data-set-remove-index-rows   data-set  [Function]
data-reduce   data &optional (maximal-series-length nil)  [Function]
series-apply-average-window   series window  [Function]
pre-compute-bell-curves   window var-square  [Function]
get-bell-curve   window cache  [Function]
series-apply-normal-window-aux   series left-window  [Function]
total-bell-curve   series min-inclusive index bell-curve-cache  [Function]
total-applied   series min-inclusive index bell-curve-cache  [Function]
bell-curve   window var-square  [Function]
data-apply-average-window   data window  [Function]