
Class summary
Method summary
elements queue
key queue
last-cons queue
Function summary
empty-queue? q
enqueue-at-end q items
enqueue-at-front q items
enqueue-by-priority q items key
heap-extract-min heap key
heap-insert heap item key
heap-left i
heap-min heap
heap-parent i
heap-right i
heap-sort numbers &key (key (function identity))
heap-val heap i key
heapify heap i key
make-heap &optional (size 100)
merge-lists list1 list2 predicate &key (result nil) (key (function identity))
merge-sort list predicate &key (key (function identity))
queue-front q
queue-length q
remove-front q
queue    [Class]
:key    [Initarg]
:last-cons    [Initarg]
:elements    [Initarg]
elements   queue  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the elements of the specified queue

last-cons   queue  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the last-cons of the specified queue

key   queue  [Generic function]

Returns and (with setf) changes the key of the specified queue

empty-queue?   q  [Function]

Are there no elements in the queue?

queue-front   q  [Function]

Return the element at the front of the queue.

remove-front   q  [Function]

Remove the element from the front of the queue and return it.

queue-length   q  [Function]
enqueue-at-front   q items  [Function]

Add a list of items to the front of the queue.

enqueue-at-end   q items  [Function]

Add a list of items to the end of the queue.

enqueue-by-priority   q items key  [Function]

Insert the items by priority according to the key function.

heap-val   heap i key  [Function]
heap-parent   i  [Function]
heap-left   i  [Function]
heap-right   i  [Function]
heapify   heap i key  [Function]

Assume that the children of i are heaps, but that heap[i] may be larger than its children. If it is, move heap[i] down where it belongs. [Page 143 CL&R].

heap-min   heap  [Function]
heap-extract-min   heap key  [Function]

Pop the best (lowest valued) item off the heap. [Page 150 CL&R].

heap-insert   heap item key  [Function]

Put an item into a heap. [Page 150 CL&R].

make-heap   &optional (size 100)  [Function]
heap-sort   numbers &key (key (function identity))  [Function]

Return a sorted list, with elements that are < according to key first.

merge-lists   list1 list2 predicate &key (result nil) (key (function identity))  [Function]
merge-sort   list predicate &key (key (function identity))  [Function]

Use the merge-sort algorithm for ordering a list.