
Method summary
make-html object &key &allow-other-keys
Function summary
add-element element
append-to-element id element
define-css id css
define-css-link id url
define-js id js
define-js-library id url
define-static-js id js
define-static-js-library id js
define-wi-data id data &key (format :json) resetable
replace-element-content id element
start-web-interface &key (port *port*) (address *address*)
write-static-page stream title
Macro summary
create-static-html-page title &body body
create-static-html-page-webservice title &body body
*reset-functions*    [Variable]
*data-resetable*    [Variable]
*data*    [Variable]
*address*    [Variable]
*port*    [Variable]
*my-server*    [Variable]
*ajax-processor*    [Variable]
*css-definitions*    [Variable]
*css-link-definitions*    [Variable]
*js-libraries*    [Variable]
*js-definitions*    [Variable]
*requests*    [Variable]
*no-reset-button*    [Variable]
*static-html*    [Variable]
*static-elements*    [Variable]
*static-html-output-dir*    [Variable]
*static-js-definitions*    [Variable]
*static-js-libraries*    [Variable]
*asyncxmlhttprequest.js*    [Variable]
make-html   object &key &allow-other-keys  [Generic function]

Makes html code from object. The result is an s-expression representation of an html element representing the object. You can turn this representation into actual xhtml by calling (render-xml result) on it.

define-wi-data   id data &key (format :json) resetable  [Function]
handle-wi-data-request    [Function]
reset-wi-data    [Function]
start-web-interface   &key (port *port*) (address *address*)  [Function]
define-css   id css  [Function]
get-combined-css-definitions    [Function]
define-css-link   id url  [Function]
get-combined-css-link-definitions    [Function]
define-js-library   id url  [Function]
get-combined-js-library-definitions    [Function]
define-js   id js  [Function]
get-combined-js-definitions    [Function]
reset-requests    [Function]
add-element   element  [Function]

Adds an element to the content area of the main page. Element should be an s-expression notation of an html node or a list thereof

replace-element-content   id element  [Function]
append-to-element   id element  [Function]
clear-page    [Function]

Clears the content area of the main page and resets things

define-static-js   id js  [Function]
get-combined-static-js-definitions    [Function]
define-static-js-library   id js  [Function]
get-combined-static-js-libraries    [Function]
write-static-page   stream title  [Function]
create-static-html-page   title &body body  [Macro]

Wraps some code that sends output to the web interface to create a static page that can be viewed without a lisp running in the background.

create-static-html-page-webservice   title &body body  [Macro]

Wraps some code that sends output to the web interface to create a static page that can be viewed without a lisp running in the background.